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indy, tives, or brid

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What up all?! So, Sause and I are headed down to the Springs to go see BadAndy Thursday I believe. @ Chef- I am coming to raid any pollen you may have LOL! Sause and I have some breeding to start on for our future seed stock.

I use King butane for anyone who wants to know. My fam use it across the state of Cali as it does have a lower metal rating then most others on the market, below 30% which is huge as Vector and others have over 40%. The color, clarity and overall appeal of the concentrate really is cleaner. I just ran a bunch with some 5x refined vector and then yesterday with king 3x, Sause can tell you the difference just from sampling both of them that yesterdays was much better and hit smoother.
Chef - the last batch of pollen did take. i hit a small branch of indi's AK47 and the DenverDurban (I think it's what i'm going to call this cut now to keep it distinct), looks like both are starting to show signs of positive fertilization.
Bubba Corleone Day 65 :D :D :D 1-4 Days Till Chop HELP ME DECIDE im really just waiting on her to foxtail as much as she wants and some hairs to recede trics are almost all clear








Romulan Day 27


Spudnik Day 29
dang sause!! those are looking mighty dank bro. the spudnik looks like she is really putting it on fast. that Bubba Danko pheno seems to be a longer flowering one, maybe another 4-7days. looking dank as hell and easy to trim :)
Sigh I was thinking the same thing im so anxious to chop this girl(I WANT TO MAKE A BIG THING OF KEIF LIKE BAD ANDY lol) Ive never seen keif made and i had no idea the amount you get off a little trim but NEXT WEEKEND it is i was thinking tomorrow i would chop but she didnt progress through the week like i though she would. Ether way i know this lady is gonna be good smoke. Thanks for the input EC MY DOGGGGGGGGGGGGG
I love growing marijuana.
Northern Lights x Skunk. She vegged for about two months, and has been 12/12 for a few days. Not a lot of stretch yet. I'm really wondering how big she will get!
My amazing Blue Widow. She's been 12/12 for 10 days. Doesn't her progress seem a little freakish?! She changes every time I look at her.

My plants still in veg look amazing. Roots are sticking out of air pots. Diesel still looks very indica-y. Peppers and tomatoes look amazing. I tried taking pictures but the lights are hung strangely to accommodate different sizes, so things didn't work out very well.

Gonna try some Critical Mass outside this summer, and can't decide if I should try my Rare Dankness 4 Corners outside or inside. Or maybe both.
looking very nice! that BW is freakishly fast! wondering if she will finish early or just big ass phat colas. nice work
V E R Y pleased to hear that ec! That denver durbin will be killer, and the ak (maybe AR-15?), shit one of my all time favs w tahoe og on the back side, damn! Hoping to test on both of those for ya if there's enough stock :) sauce, looking great as always, spoetnik looks like there will be some long ass buds on there! Hopefully it packs on the weight too! What's the smell like? And can you grab some close ups to? Thanks yo! That blue widow is f+ing fast I agree, what nuts are you using or is it SS? Oh ya sauce, I say let that bc go for like another week!!
V E R Y pleased to hear that ec! That denver durbin will be killer, and the ak (maybe AR-15?), shit one of my all time favs w tahoe og on the back side, damn! Hoping to test on both of those for ya if there's enough stock :) sauce, looking great as always, spoetnik looks like there will be some long ass buds on there! Hopefully it packs on the weight too! What's the smell like? And can you grab some close ups to? Thanks yo! That blue widow is f+ing fast I agree, what nuts are you using or is it SS? Oh ya sauce, I say let that bc go for like another week!!
She smells of nothing but cherries ive smelled a strain like her before but i cant recall the name. Almost the same tone you get from a Cherry Wrap or Cherry Primetime just more weed like.
Ill grab some close ups tomorrow since im off. Now it looks like ill have 2-3 males to work with.... Im a little nervous about these males but whatever I MUST VENTURE INTO SEED MAKING :D
Don't be nervous bro, you can do it!!!! I have faith in you! Just think of it, your own strain of cannabis!! Its just an awesome thought:)... And straight cherry is good, I'm hoping she puts out some lime now and that would be perfect :)
I want to buy Hotsause seeds at my local dispensary someday!

Currently, I use Fox Fire nutes (just half-strength Grow Big every other watering during veg, and Tiger Bloom and Open Sesame so far during flowering) and Superthrive (just for germination and seedlings). I swear I made so many mistakes with my Blue Widow sister. I used Miracle Grow soil, overfertilized, underfertilized, overwatered, underwatered, burned her with lights, topped her poorly, kept the room too hot and too cold, etc... It's gotta be beginner's luck and hardy genetics. I kinda wonder if she might finish early, but I know it's important to chill and let her finish properly. I just can't believe I'm fixing to smoke a bowl of my very own grow!
hehehe ..... macg hooked me up with a few Malawi Gold and a Mulanje Gold (Holy Smoke Seeds), both pure african landrace sativas that i've been craving to breed with. i'm hoping for a boy of each :)

chef .... of course you get some bro, you are the sperm donor and need to see your children ;)
Hey, are you all getting brutal weather in Denver?? My res temps are getting around 74 during the day (Fort Collins).. Should i be worried about fungus of some sort?
Ec, haha I just laughed out loud! For real! I was hoping you'd say something like that but you always crack me up man!
There are a bunch of trees outside my window, sooo I have the lights running at night soo there is an increase in CO2 due to the respiration of the trees. The res temps are fine during their light on period (actual: night) (63-67), but it just started getting pretty warm this week outside during the day, soo Im not sure what to do as its only going to get hotter throughout the next few weeks..