Post You're Favorite Strain


Well-Known Member
first of all, a bad grower can ruin any genetic. presuming that the herb is grown to its best possible genetic potential, i choose gumtree. a local east coast (asheville) only strain.

as to all this crap about cali having the best herb on the planet...please. cali probably has MORE of the great genetics which are out there and more seasoned growers, but EVERY state in this country has "the best."


Active Member
My favorite strain is from a dispensary over here in California it's called 2012. Best/most pyshedelic trip I ever had.


Well-Known Member
This year has been nothing but KUSH KUSH and more KUSH.... am i complaining? Hellll..... No.... haha <3in the kush. I want some OG kush tho.... DAMN YOU FDD2BLK!!!! haha going to pick seeds of that up for sure!


Was working a job in Cali and got some bubba frost kush and snoop's og kush. I hit the snoop's og and thought the hotel hallway was growing faster than I could walk it and the bubba was sooo damn frosty that I just wanted to live in the bag. Great stuff on the west coast you guys have.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
OK, haven't answered yet. it's really hard picking favorites when strains can have such different personalities & effects.

i'd have to say jack's cleaner 2, for now at least, though i have literally high hopes for my malawi gold seeds. JC2 is a little stonier than i like, but is still functional and it has very nice euphoria and a fun touchy feely buzz that has an "imaginary colors" effect rippling from wherever you're stroking yourself, and i don't mean jerking off, but i bet it'd help there too

i really like DNA's sweet haze too though. it's less trippy maybe, but has a delicious fruity flavor and not at all stony. it's the best all around fruity strain i've tested so far and just as good as JC2, to me, only diifferent. the flavor in particular shines in this strain and i like it better than blueberry which is a lot of people's favorite.

less trippy still, but crazy potent and medicinal, i like high quality seeds' haze x skunk too. not a fan of the cheesy cigar wrapper flavor, but at least it's low enough that you can power through it if tobacco disgusts you as it does me, but the buzz is awesome. it's euphoric too, but definitely motivational. it has a stone that even after a month, never got worse than lead eye. the buzz is at least lightly trippy (i really want to compare my top 3 side by side under identical conditions, and could reorder my list to put the trippiest strain at #1 if it isn't JC2) but it's very long lasting and eventually, it builds in your system giving you a permabuzz. it's great for tuning pain out as i started dieting on it accidentally by keeping motivated and tuning it out as well as it being the catalyst for my quitting a six pack a night habit cold turkey. it's definitely less refined than sweet haze and even JC2 because of the flavor, but it smokes pretty smoothly for the potency without much expansion and it's gig is being a power hitter. when i'm in the mood for potency, it's what i'd chose

at the other end of the spectrum, i really like mandala's 8 miles high a lot too. it has some psychoactivity and isn't radically different from an upbeat generic haze in it's buzz, but it's special to me because of it's total lack of not just couchlock, but sativa raciness and giddeness too. it's like there's a really cool hole in the buzz where both traits are scooped out when some strains have both traits for a really "clean & classy" buzz that just does everything right. the euphoria level is really nice. all it took was a couple light hits to put me in the mood for tunes and when i put some on, it prodded me into dancing the robot and it felt like i had super precise body control. it might be the lest potent of my top 4 favorites, though it's not shabby, but it just has a perfect 24/7 buzz you can have fun on chilling or doing activities. it won't make you tired or prevent you from sleeping. it'll just put a smile on your face and make your body look for something funner to do than whatever you're doing now. i'd be happy smoking nothing but this really and as it's so balanced, i'm almost inclined to name it as a desert island strain, especially for the euphoria. i'm also nostalgic for it maybe as it was the first REAL, as in psychoactive and not just clear headed motivation as in C99 & kali mist, high that i'd had in over a decade when i tested it. it brought back memories of the 80s.

i wouldn't complain about smoking nothing but any one of my top 4 strains. they all get me high & happy as well as keep me motivated. strains that get me high REALLY help with my social anxiety as all i need to feel "friendly" is a nice high and danceable tunes. i DIRECTLY link my dancing abilities, what's left of them anyways, with smoking columbian gold regularly through the mid 80s and dancing on it in clubs almost every friday & saturday night. without the bud motivation, i'd probably never have bothered going out.

all 4 of these strains make me a very happy camper. then again, pretty much everything i grow does as i only like to buy strains that get me high. that's my whole point in growing & not buying. if you could get this kind of shit on the streets still, i wouldn't have to even bother growing, though it's a fun meditation.