postd earlier abot 3-5-5 nothing is better than this?


Well-Known Member
lol what are you asking? my npk runs 12-6-4 for veg. Lot more to nutes then npk.
mg moisture control...used mg tomato plant food and all is good flowering now and want to feed accordingly but all i can find is a 3-5-5 for citrus trees jobes organic fruit & citrus..


Well-Known Member
Oh now I can give some feed back. For what your doing. Alaska fish fert would work good It's like a 1-5-5 or something. Or the 3=5=5 would work too.
ok thanks dudes now if you will...its organic like dirt almost so what would be the best way to apply it?...i also have been wanting to try blackstrap unsulphured molasses will they work togeather?


Well-Known Member
3-5-5 sounds like a good organic fertilizer for flowering.

It gives some Nitrogen so the fans dont go yellow, but not too much. And it gives Phosphorous and Potassium in higher amounts for blooming.

The best way would be to top dress around the stem.

I doubt you can make a tea out of it because not all organic amendments will dissolve into the water. They are better in the soil.

Water with molasses spiked water. The sugars are very good for microbes which brake down the organics you used and the molasses has others things in it your plant can eat.


Well-Known Member
Does it have directions? I use molasses on the off days I nute. I make a tea out a bat shit. would have rather mixed into the soil. "outside" but didn't have it when I was tilling.
the directions say to use 1 1/2 cup for every three feet of height under the drip line is the best for my girls progress im in a five gallon bucket so i dont think that the drip line matters it does make a nice tea it is kinda powdery dirt it breaks down good not much residue left after adding water


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the alaska fish fert bloom. I looked at that jobes stuff. Top dress would be your best bet. I think.