Poster theme songs!


Well-Known Member
@ Tiny Chat

I threw a party,
and no one came,
What if I had invited someone?
I know it sounds insane.. THATS SOUNDS INSANE.

I've planned it all,
Prepared every game,
So, I paid the clowns,
Then i smoked with the mermaid,

It might be a trick,
Those tricks of friendship
Where they are hiding,
To make a big surprise for me

Go get some innocence
I need my medicine
You should know that it's always,
Always been my fault

It's too late now to think of what you said
Little Girl.. you could be ashamed
Where the neighborhood will point their swollen tongues

Lay down this chase
Your journey to the whisperer was delayed
Don't care how long you stay
Don't care how long you stay

P.S. I fucking love this song.
i am on trimming hiatus for now. i think i will keep that hiatus going until this weekend so i can drop by.