posting mobile phone pics


Well-Known Member
anyone here worry about posting pics using a mobile ?

just been reading about the pictures having gps tracking codes embedded or something along those lines , just interested in peoples views on this and if you do post pics from a mobile do you take any measures to delte these codes?
anyone here worry about posting pics using a mobile ?

just been reading about the pictures having gps tracking codes embedded or something along those lines , just interested in peoples views on this and if you do post pics from a mobile do you take any measures to delte these codes?

*you sir are smoking way too much!.. lol j/k

--never heard of gps-codes.. but then again.. wouldnt doubt it ;)
this feature is available on most newer phones and all smart phones. gives a gps location of where the pic was taken. turn it off, no worries.
You're probably on the terrorist watch list just being a member of this site already, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. The Man already has it out for you!!! haha. Aside from that, great point and I'm absolutely turning my tracking off.
You need software like Adobe lightroom to strip the XIFF data. A lot of digital imaging software can do it, but you ain't gonna just strip it on the fly from your phone.

turn off the geo tagging/tracking feature on your phone. then you are in the clear.
I'm not really sure that works either. The only safe way to be sure is don't post pics from any smart phone. Don't even bring that phone into your grow area if you're REALLY paranoid. They can triangulate your whereabouts with cell towers as well.

Its not illegal to have pictures.
It is if it's your grow. All the pics on my BB and comp will be used as evidence here shortly. (That is IF they get past the password on the BlackBerry, and find the True Crypt files on the laptop. They took the phone and 2 comps. Dumbasses left 2 external HDs tho....) There really wasn't a whole lot on the actual drive in the laptop, I store most everything on an external.
I agree with Jack, if you are gonna use a smart phone or a cell phone to take your picture, make sure you strip the exif data. It has all the GPS info and info on the file. I turn off the geo/location option on my phone when i'm not traveling just because it annoys me. That seems to get rid of the GPS data on the exif, but i'd still strip the exif if you're worried
open your photo in Microsoft paint, save it as a "bmp", then open that file and resave it as a "jpg". The bmp (bitmap) file format doesn't have room for "meta data", meta data being the things like GPS tags, lat/long-itude, etc. It only stores a file format signature am array of pixel data (the color of each pixel) and information about colors.

By saving as bmp, you effectively strip ALL meta data, instead of only the data known by whatever special purpose application you use.

If you're REALLY paranoid, you can open your photo in a viewer, take a screen shot of your desktop, then crop your pic out of that screen shot. A screenshot pulls pixel data from the current desktop composition with no regards to the file being shown on the screen whatsoever.
open your photo in Microsoft paint, save it as a "bmp", then open that file and resave it as a "jpg". The bmp (bitmap) file format doesn't have room for "meta data", meta data being the things like GPS tags, lat/long-itude, etc. It only stores a file format signature am array of pixel data (the color of each pixel) and information about colors.

By saving as bmp, you effectively strip ALL meta data, instead of only the data known by whatever special purpose application you use.

If you're REALLY paranoid, you can open your photo in a viewer, take a screen shot of your desktop, then crop your pic out of that screen shot. A screenshot pulls pixel data from the current desktop composition with no regards to the image being shown on the screen whatsoever.

great advice too :eyesmoke: