Well-Known Member
You see some topic you have knowledge on and you put you opinion into words and hit the send button and.......its not your words. Worse than censorship, some sneaky troll has software that will change a word into another word. I referred to the Seed Depot when describing the first time I bought a certain brand of seeds...the site turned those words into thieving con-man. Anyone that would employee such a tactic has no standing... as a person of integrity or someone that seeks the truth. Anyway I decided to turn lemons into lemon aid and had some fun with it. So if you have a membership over there go ahead and type it and see for yourself. Here are the pictures and for some reason I felt the need to take a long shower after dealing with this basket case...whoever it is. Pictures: I used the name Ididntdoit. As for legal issues it is perfectly legal for me to show a slice, frame, ect... of a body of work in a informational context. I typed seed depot in a way that the software would not recognize it: seeeeed deeepot and then the way that it would. There are some breeders that have been burned from this or that retailer but this in not the way to get even. Besides E$kobar sells his gear there and I know he is as honest as they come.