Posting on Informantion Boards: Nazis run ICMAG


Well-Known Member
You see some topic you have knowledge on and you put you opinion into words and hit the send button and.......its not your words. Worse than censorship, some sneaky troll has software that will change a word into another word. I referred to the Seed Depot when describing the first time I bought a certain brand of seeds...the site turned those words into thieving con-man. Anyone that would employee such a tactic has no standing... as a person of integrity or someone that seeks the truth. Anyway I decided to turn lemons into lemon aid and had some fun with it. So if you have a membership over there go ahead and type it and see for yourself. Here are the pictures and for some reason I felt the need to take a long shower after dealing with this basket case...whoever it is. Pictures: I used the name Ididntdoit. As for legal issues it is perfectly legal for me to show a slice, frame, ect... of a body of work in a informational context. I typed seed depot in a way that the software would not recognize it: seeeeed deeepot and then the way that it would. There are some breeders that have been burned from this or that retailer but this in not the way to get even. Besides E$kobar sells his gear there and I know he is as honest as they come.


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I did refer to the site in a very negative way..something about a bitter old man, $##!!! on. So my access is denied, boo hoo hoo wa wa wa, what will I do. If there is one god damned common denominator of MJ being is the self righteous mentality of someone saying hell no you cant do that because I don't like it....NAZI ..the word fits the power tripper that is running that site. I left my camera up at work so I will download the rest Monday.
Yea me to. Also seen the [ brackets used as they have been for years in newspapers when changing a person's wording. No telling what other words concerning products, ect are auto changed into something else.
I've seen that on other boards. But usually they change it to *******
Yea me to. Also seen the [ brackets used as they have been for years in newspapers when changing a person's wording. No telling what other words concerning products, ect are auto changed into something else.

Why post anywhere that is consumed by advertizing? That is the difference. Grasstown is the same. All commercial.
These Nazis of which you speak, are they the old school Nazis with the tight jackets and cool boots or are they contemporary Nazis with the bald heads and ugly boots?
IC mag is a bunch of scum-bags and narcs. The Mods are shit, Most dealers will make spoof accounts and actually argue with themselves via multiple account names. It`s ridicules... Fuck IC Mag. I always knew those punks were too brain-dead to conduct their practice in peace. They throw hissy-fits like children and spam with their Narc shit. Ya, Fuck IC Mag. I only moved there because of Gypsy Nirvana.

GN has been a cool as hell guy to me on many occasions, i.e. free packs of seeds which would be $300, contests, advice, ect.. Since he left the show, I left IC. I only moved there from OverGrow. Old Pink is the only person who runs the show at IC Mag now. GN is gone and has been gone for a long time. Fuck Old Pink, that guy is a dick wipe.

The cool people are leaving IC Mag because it is filled with too many kids peddling their hermi shit-seeds. I`m done. :joint:
If you put yourself out there as a place to swap news, give grow tips, ect you are making certain implications...that is that if you leave something behind in your own words they need to STAY in your own words. Of coarse there are control freaks (I call them NAZIS) that cannot understand that or don't care. Instead of bringing it out in the open (this person's feelings towards a seed bank) like we do in countries that have private and not government ownership of the media, this piece of work feels that its ok to install software that will change a word or group of words. If I owned Seed Depot and didn't do anyone wrong I would go after ICMAG. If I gave a donation to that site I would be pissed that the operator is spending those funds to buy software that does nothing positive for the overall site. Someone puts words in my mouth? .... yea like Im going to take that shit lying down.
Really have to ask that or you just not capable of abstract thought? There are two kinds of grow sites out there: 1. Tied to a product or retailer e.g. Grasscity. 2. Content driven sites. Ask people to give THEIR opinion on strains, growing techniques, ect.. There is a list of formal rules so the potential blogger can blog or move to greener pastures.
Why does anyone think that they have any rights of any kind on a forum that isn't their own?
I am Googling the other day for any pictures or other content concerning Mosca C99 male plant info and a link pops up for a thread on ICMAG. The thread concerns the loss of the entire body of content contributed by the breeder of Mosca seeds. Since I have been a fan of that particular C99 line and because I have tried to get info from both Attitude and Seedsman concerning what has happened to the seed line in the past year or so I jumped into the discussion (the genes are still there, but vigor has decreased). Now looking back to my experience with their auto editing software some of what I have read and heard over the years makes more sense. I don't really care who was the original breeder of Skunk (my money is on someone living in CA...not Holland). Just get knowledgeable about growing people forum with no hidden agendas. To be fair I did respond to the auto editing software in an obnoxious way..(it was the Tequila talking :mrgreen:) as can be seen in the following pictures. You say you don't keep track of IP addresses? in the world do I get an access denied message, hmm ICMAG? Just breaks my heart:cry:


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Nothing else to do while I go thru a slow upload of pictures to EBAYQUOTE=srh88;9717232]