posting pics on here? are you paranoid?


hey i'm a little tech savvy and i could see a way to track someone's location by digging into server of this forum.

so do you guys worry about being tracked by posting pics up here?

does the forum deny access to investigation? is there some law protecting the privacy of what's uploaded?

is it considered inconclusive evidence so they can't do anything if they tried?

i've never tried to upload pics from behind a proxy.

obviously lots of you guys upload tons of stuff, you don't give it a second thought?

or do you run the pics through a couple other servers first to make it harder for them? so a proxy works for uploading pics?

i had some paranoia about this during my last crop and deleted tons of my pictures.

i was thinking of just going to the library every time i want to upload some.

public wifi locations + using computer that is encrypted ( + removing meta data from images = a lot better than just posting from your house. Libraries retain your information if you live in the USA as required by the patriot act.


Well-Known Member
I don't worry about it I'm legal and keep my grows under the limit feds aren't out to bust small time growers I recently had to give the cops here a tour of my room they haven't bothered me a bit they just complimented damn exs fault for the tour


public wifi locations + using computer that is encrypted ( + removing meta data from images = a lot better than just posting from your house. Libraries retain your information if you live in the USA as required by the patriot act.
yeah but you can't be doing all that with every post. i like what some people on here did with their sig, saying they're just lying lol


bud bootlegger
yah, you can always remove the meta data from any pix before posting if your that type of person.. i on the other hand like to live life on the edge, lol..
but seriuosly, i feel so long as your smart about what your posting on a grow site, you will be fine.. this means no pix of the outside of your grow, no pix of anything that could be used to identify your grow place, and lastly buy not leastly, absolutely no pix of your person or car or tatts or anyhing like that.. its sad that i have to say to not post pix of yourself on here, but you would honestly be suprised by some of what i've seen on the site..


Active Member
i wouldnt worry about posting pics too much especially if you strip the meta data. i would be more worried about just being on this forum "proxy or not". feds in the us can investigate the servers of this forum due to their server location being in Georgia but they would need a good reason to do so and if they did inspect this server then all ip addresses from everyone are stored and thats what you have to worry about. if you post some huge, big time grow op on here and for some reason feds busted this forum and they get your ip, you will be the biggest target im sure. proxies are not safe either. i dont care if you run through 10 proxies "which would be insanely slow btw" all they have to do is subpoena the proxy servers untill they trace the original ip address. the real only way to play it safe is not use your own internet connection in my opinion, or if the pirate party gets their vpn going for everyone to use because the pirate parties vpn service will not store any personal info including ip address's. they have already stated they dont give a fuck about the laws of having to store information and trust me they don't.. if and when the pirate party succeed with their vpn service "which i believe they have already btw for swedish users, dont quote me on that. i havent looked into it for awhile" you will be 100% anonymous using their service. I actually spoke to an attorney i ran into the other day about running marijuana growing related websites and he says that it is legal to do so and it is protected but you must expect scrutiny from law enforcement and possible legal action. this forum can be busted if they wanted to bad enough but the owner seems to be from canada so if the forum goes down it seems the owner of this forum will not due to jurisdiction laws. in my opinion the best thing for this forum would be to host it on a Netherlands based server.