Pot Bust Suspect Tells Agents He Loves His Plants


Active Member
A man busted for growing pot had a hard time departing with his plants. He told Limestone County drug agents he loved them.

Agents said they could smell pot coming from an air conditioning unit at a home on Quinn road. Inside, they found 55 marijuana plants, between 6 inches to 4 feet tall.

Agents said Willis Allen Shackelford told them he grew the plants from seed and that he was concerned about the marijuana's safety.

"He requested to know where his plants were, they were his babies. We advised him they were in the back of his truck. He wanted to know why, and if he could kiss them goodbye. They were his life. We told him he could wave as he went by," said Deputy Johnny Morrell.

Also inside the home, there was an elaborate collection of 30 or more smoking pipes and bongs.

Along with Shackelford, Anastasia Weaver and Michael Blum were arrested. All three were charged with trafficking.

News Forum: rollitup.org
Source: WAFF.com
Contact: WAFF.com
Copyright: 2010 WorldNow and WAFF
Website: http://www.waff.com/Global/story.asp?S=12636694


Undercover Mod
I could say at a cetain leve I love my plants. I have the hardest time killing them, even a male.


Undercover Mod
They are like your child, you watch them grow and take care of them for months. Then they repay you for the long healthy life they had.


Ha yeahh true pot lover.... im still on my first grow but i can't imagine killing one of mine haha yeahh EVEN THE MALES


Well-Known Member
I love my plants to a [ . ]
Crazy Criminal!
Now i smell pot through my a/c unit. Thats because i blaze sooo much in there, that my a/c units filters are filld probally with thc resin! :joint: