Could everyone please chillout and recognize this "story" for the slanderous bit of yellow journalism that it is?
Poisoning bears is not the norm. If one jackoff did it and was caught, then prosecute him to the full extent of the law for cruelty to animals. Done.
But this whole grower backlash is outrageous. Yes, there are assholes who don't know what they are doing. But by and large, many growers' are prime examples of responsible enviromental stewardship with some even foregoing chemicals entirely and sticking to an organic routine. They live at peace with the land because it provides for them and would never do anything to hurt it.
I know some who responded legitimately care about the Earth, and I applaud you for that. But if you're looking for a true enemy, look no further then the vineyards just like someone before me posted. They are large-scale and perpetrate legitimate crimes against nature.
Or the tobacco farms down south, same story. But because the Booze and Cigs lobbyist firms are well-staffed, you won't see anything come of that.
Now if someone has to shoot a bear to protect themselves or their property, that's up in the air. Personally, I say you're within your rights to do so but I can also see where some might make the arguement about you being in their neighborhood as opposed to vice-versa. If it happens, I guess at least be responsible and properly clean it. Eating nothing but bear steaks for a month might make ya think twice next time. Who knows..