Pot good for Schizophrenia!


Well-Known Member
ya - i get a strong BS smell off of that story.. akin to the guy who thinks he is orange juice..


New Member
So then, I a had a friend that ended up in a mental hospital. He now belongs to the state.. but it doesn't matter. He's on a trip for the rest of his life.

The idiot ran from the cops (around 8 years ago) because he had 2 sheets of paper acid in his back pocket folded into sections. Well, then he ends up running through someones yard and they had their sprinkler systems on and he got fucking drenched... and yeah, needless to say the sheets got wet and then leaked into his wet skin. Dude's on a perm. mental trip...

guess my point here.. or question would be, does he qualify for being a skitzo?
so why doesn't this happen to perfectly healthy people who take acid - it doesn't. LSD doesn't cause you to "go crazy" its just not true it especially does not cause you to have a specific hereditary condition like schizophrenia that is just a claim which is beyond ridiculous.

Myself and thousands of others have taken large quantity of lsd with no adverse long term side effect, only two sheets and you gotta figure maybe only 10% leaked into his actual skin thats nothing lol. Your body has an strong immunity which develops quickly and taking larger doses for the most part doesn't even do anything, trust me I have took large quantity of lsd on several occasions as much as 40 hits of acid and it was the same as if I took maybe 4 hits, there is a limit on 'how hard you can trip' when it comes to lsd and its around the 4-5 hit range for the strong stuff, anything beyond those 4-5 hits of top quality LSD is just simply a waste of LSD. Your story reaks of bullshit and urban rumor/legend my friend.

As discussed earlier in this thread its easy to make a link to drug use and schizophrenia because the onset of schizophrenia typically occurs in the teens and early twentys which is often a time when people use drugs.


Well-Known Member
lol i love people who make up BS stories like that where people say som1 gets stuck in a perma trip. ive heard other stories like that, like one where a dude unknowingly has a sheet at a theme park n goes on a water ride where it absorbs into his skin, and he gets stuck in a trip where he thinks he is a glass of water and if he tips over he believes he will die. although every time i hear a story like that i cant find evidence. although i have found numerous reports to people saying they did a high dose of LSD (some over 2-3 sheets like in the story) and those people are all fine.

I do have a hard time believing that your trip platues and you only feel like youve taking 5 hits like said above, that just doesnt seem right at all