pot makes you stupid



FDD is the only person that can make this thread and not get flamed. Bunch of asskissers.
Flamed for what? I didn't take this one bit serious... now if some noob came in saying "pot makes you stupid you're all stoners!" that would be different... but a person we know, who's sarcastic posted it. It's a joke lol.

Straight up G

New Member

"judge not lest ye be judged."

Anyway most disagreed did they not, although IMO there is truth in that statement, I am not ass kissing- just learning to grow.


Active Member
All you have to do is read any post in these forums. They are chock full of poor spelling, poor grammar, etc. If you didn't know they were stoners, you'd think they were second graders. "To" instead of "too" when they mean "also." "Dose" instead of "does." The list goes on and on.

Even the seed seller websites are for shit. If they can't put together a website without tons of mistakes, how do I know they won't screw up and mail the seeds to my neighbor?

So, fuck yes, it makes you stupid. So does alcohol, coke, and any other drug. That's why, if you don't do it in moderation, you'll wind up maimed, dead or in jail.


Well-Known Member
pot may make some people stupid when they are wrecked on it
i don't think it makes people stupid permanently


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is read any post in these forums. They are chock full of poor spelling, poor grammar, etc. If you didn't know they were stoners, you'd think they were second graders. "To" instead of "too" when they mean "also." "Dose" instead of "does." The list goes on and on.

Even the seed seller websites are for shit. If they can't put together a website without tons of mistakes, how do I know they won't screw up and mail the seeds to my neighbor?

So, fuck yes, it makes you stupid. So does alcohol, coke, and any other drug. That's why, if you don't do it in moderation, you'll wind up maimed, dead or in jail.
I think your post made me a little dumber....Thanks


New Member
it's been proven. bongsmilie
Tang of sarcasm for the sake of instigating the conversation?

I tend to focus moreso with these questions off of personal experience then not, there's mixed research some creditable and some not all around saying a bunch of different things, helps here, hurts there, improves, devalues, distorts, alters, mediates, blah blah blah.

Redwine is proven to be healthy if you drink it every day it's real bad for you unless you're drinking it once a day because as research says it's healthy to not do so. Do it more. Never. Once a day.

-Lack of sense intended.