Pot next to Osama's house


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it would be a novelty. Like a SHRUNKEN HEAD! idk about anyone else, but i wouldn't want the negativity associated with it. i'll stick with my Jack Herer, a true hero to potsmokers worldwide.

My 2 cents.
I love Jack Herer! What if we mixed them both together??? Hahaha

It'd be like mixing Superman and Doomsday, or Batman and Joker, or Spiderman and Carnage (or Venom) or... or oil and water? :)

(For the record, anybody that realistically thinks we will ever get a cut of this is taking the thread way too damn serious....)

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Terrorism Haze.

Greenhouse should be there any second with their camera crew like " They is the famed Osama Kush Ruderalis....gonna be a cannabiscup winner if we pay the judges enough..."


And we are not praising Osama...we are wondering about some weed outside his compound that's probably a wild ruderalis strain. Indica most likely. There is a reason Hindu-Kush is indica.


Well-Known Member
fucking pathetic, this fuckhead is a murderous bastard. probably in some way, killed someone you knew, or was associated to someone you knew. and because this sick fuck smoked marijuana, you all think it would be cool to have a cut of some of the bud he smoked?

you should be fully ashamed of yourselfs. How in your right fucking mind can you even consider this a GOOD thing in ANY respect.
Bin Laden was a Terrorist and a sick fucker. I hope that fucking dope he was smoking was poisen, and if you want some, i hope you get the same end result he got sunday evening. stupid fucks.
LOL ok well..maybe I am overdue for my first infraction after all. Fuck you, sir, and the horse you rode in on.


Well-Known Member
fucking pathetic, this fuckhead is a murderous bastard. probably in some way, killed someone you knew, or was associated to someone you knew. and because this sick fuck smoked marijuana, you all think it would be cool to have a cut of some of the bud he smoked?

you should be fully ashamed of yourselfs. How in your right fucking mind can you even consider this a GOOD thing in ANY respect.
Bin Laden was a Terrorist and a sick fucker. I hope that fucking dope he was smoking was poisen, and if you want some, i hope you get the same end result he got sunday evening. stupid fucks.

Your hardcore.

I dont care if its Muslim or Mexcan mafia or Canadian.
I just like good budz.

I would have taken cuts an given them away to friends ..........


Active Member
I've seen Charlie Sheen as a strain already so I don't why there wouldn't be an Osama.
Hell I've even seen a clinic selling Obama OG... which is stupid as fuck because I know damn well they didn't just breed a new OG strain out of fuck nowhere. That shit was SFV OG fooooooooooor sure. Fuck clinics and these retarded ass names, keep them legit and what they actually are.
Haha, I saw some Charlie Sheen in TX, and it was just some Mr. Nice Guy, and I can't explain how ironic I found that to be.


Well-Known Member
Really? I should be raided, shot and killed because I want some Pakistani genetics?

Fuck me.


Well-Known Member
jihad kush
osama bin chronic
plane wreck is a good one +rep
afghan holy war
suicide bomber
suicide kush
afghani martyr

Just a few off the top of my head........and of course now Im a fuckhead or something for joking about it


Well-Known Member
jihad kush
osama bin chronic
plane wreck is a good one +rep
afghan holy war
suicide bomber
suicide kush
afghani martyr

Just a few off the top of my head........and of course now Im a fuckhead or something for joking about it
bin laden weed