pot of gold yellowing and dieing need help with pics


Active Member
Looks like u gave them to much nutes in a system like that it is best to have plants thaat are close to the same age as poss so one doesnt get over fed and the the other under. You might want to lower the lights and check the temps as close to the tops of the plants , maybe put ur meter on top for now then hang it in the future. As for the roots keep treating them and make sure no light is getting in and it has enough oxygen. As long as u see new growth ur ok.

Happy Growing!


Active Member
One trick is to get some anti-algae pills at the local aquarium store use 1/10th the recommended dosage should be good to go and also neved is right on even a sliver of light can cause algae growth...


Active Member
Maybe try wrapping it in foil , yes your ppm matters a lot. If ur ppm is too high to early its not good for the plants. You will need a tds/ec meter.


Active Member
word of advice use the search on these forums u can actually learn the things u need to kniow B4 you start growing so things like this dont happen!