pot party idea?


Well-Known Member
Here's MY dream party.First, the house is like a drug version of the gingerbread house.There is weed for bushes,blotter acid for the wallpaper,exstacy pills hanging from licorice whips for windchimes, A cocaine mountain to ski down, next to an absinthe stream,where next to a psychoactive cactus field, little psilocybe and amaritas mushrooms dot the land.And since we cater to everyone, yes, far off to the back of the field, there will be a mad scientist's lab, where chemicals galore can be had by those so inclined to have them.Anyone who wants to come, may come.:mrgreen:

that would make a really badass movie


Active Member
wat bout music in the room were ur smoking that always makes it better if u ask me


Well-Known Member
NORML party circa 2002, house near a big university, could smell it down the street. so many pipes/bongs/joints going around, "smoking circles" were a joke... i'm surprised we didn't all leave with herpes, the flu and gonorrhea.

i'd skip video games or movies or television in general. music, people, herb and some mild entertainment... cards, billiards, foosball, boardgames...
Now you're talking, that would be one awesome party :-D bongsmilie:peace:
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Active Member
i have a easter party every year with a egg hunt . everyone loves it. i put nice nugs in the eggs. needless to say its a adult party. great for us potheads