Pot size for outdoor?

Booger mama

Active Member
Okay I am growing Harlequin & Dance World CBD Outdoors. I started with feminized seeds. The Harlequin should get 6- 7 ft tall, the Dance World 3 - 4 ft. My husband thinks we're going to need at least 30 gallon grow bags for the Harlequin. I think this is overkill! I've only grown a total of 6 plants in my life but I've never used a pot larger then 15 gallon. I'm using the soft nonwoven grow bags. What size should I order?
I'm using 7-gallon fabric pots and they're already 3-4 ft in only 30+day veg
there's a guy that lives down the road from us and he professionally grow CBD plants for market, he's the one that got my husband started on the 45 gallon pot idea. He said because I'm growing outdoor, from seed this early, that my Harley Quinn will get 9-foot tall. So then I asked a neighbor who grows every year and she agreed 45 gal!?. I ordered 30 gallon because I agree with you I think 45gal. Isn't necessary. Not to mention the cost of soil to fill 45 gallon!
I never use anything less than 100gl pots outdoors. 200 or 300 are even better. Soil is cheap compared to weed. Best of luck.
This right here. Dep houses get 30 gallon pots, outdoor get 100-400 gallon.

Although the cbd strains I grew out a few years ago in the dep house were nowhere near as big or weighty as the not cbd strains, despite same size pots and same irrigation system. That was also, God, 7 years ago now.
Is there a reason you don’t just grow them in the ground
Yes. One is weather. We get really high winds here on the coast so I want to be able to put them in the greenhouse during bad weather. Secondly I have a teenage son so when his friends come over I like to use a little discretion.
Yes. One is weather. We get really high winds here on the coast so I want to be able to put them in the greenhouse during bad weather. Secondly I have a teenage son so when his friends come over I like to use a little discretion.
Larger the better. Get the biggest that you can move. Put em on wheels if you have to. Or make sure well working handles are on the pot. Happy growing!!
I went with 350 gallon wooden boxes this year on most my plants.The bigger the box or grow bag the better if you like to grow trees as we do.listen to jj he is a hell of a good grower.
Yeah I'm sending back the 45 gallon grow bags that I bought. I'm going with large rubber tubs instead. I'll buy the biggest ones I can find. Thank you!
You dont have to use giant pots. Ive grown in 15gal pots and pull a quater pound. Can move the pots around myself without much fuss. And since the weed is for myself I don't need a massive tree. Its just more crap to deal with come harvest time. If you are trying to sell it or something makes sense but for personal use theres not really a need to be using 300gal containers. Anything more than about 25gallons you may as well just put in the ground anyway. Unless your soil is just terrible whats the point of a 100 or 300 gal container? You arent gonna be moving it around.

You dont see people growing tomatoes or anything else in 300 gal containers, they just plant them in the ground or a raised bed. Seems like pot growers like to complicate everything.
You could make a little platform with castor wheels, still wont be much fun to move.
I don;t even think you need the 300 gal pot. you just make a large soil pile and plant in the top...
natural air pruning mound that can use top half of roots for breathing and bottom half for water.
Okay guys I'm glad to see there's a lot of buzz going on about pots ; ) how this all started was I wanted to grow outdoors but I still want to be portable so I can put them in the greenhouse during bad weather or when my son's friends sleep over. I wanted to use 20 gal pots but my husband and a fellow Harvest grower said at least a 100 gal so we compromised at 45gal. I use grow bags for everything so I ordered the largest grow bags I could find but they are not half as thick as the 10-15 gal grow bags so I'm sending them back. I'm going to buy 40 gallon play tubs with rope handles. I agree that cannabis will grow to whatever size pot you put it in so if you want a large outdoor harvest go with giant containers. I'm growing CBD/THC for my pain management so I figure the 40gal tubs work. Yes they will be a pain in the ass if they have to be moved but I have a good Dolly, & a 6'4" husband. Besides I only plan on moving them when absolutely necessary for weather & discretion. I'm grateful for all the advice! It kept me from going to small or way too big. You guys are awesome! I'm sure I'll have many more questions before this grow is over. Thank you!