Pot size question


Well-Known Member
20160220_111857.jpg I have a question I run a 4 pot drip system I have had great success with it, normally I run a jumbo tray 1100mm x 1100mm.

I have 4 pots in the tray getting fed by feeder rings, I find the growth rate way faster than just flooding the tray an feeding from the bottom.

Anyway onto my question. I normally go upto around 15 litre pots (roughly 4 gallons for americans) I was wondering could I use smaller pots with similar results. I normally pull anywhere from 14 to 20ozs. Mainly grow pineapple express

I'm thinking of only using say a 4.4 (1.16 gallons.)litre pots could I do this or not. toughts?

Here's a pic of my previons grow pineapple express 18oz scrog 2 month veg 2 months flower

I'm an Australian grower

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
never pulled that with a soil grow in a 3 gallon . but in a 5 yes . hope this helps some . as a reminder again all my posts on roolitup or any where else are pertaining to cherry tomatoes . or I am full of shit or I have a learning disability .