pot size


hey guys quick question on a indoor grow with dirt would anyone rather have a room full of 5 gallon pots or a room full of 2 gallon pots open to suggestions......


im pretty much allowing them to veg for 2 weeks then throw em into the budroom.. i like to have a quick turnaround but dont want to sacrafice quantity or qualtiy


15, 1 gallon pots may get the same yield as 3, 5 gallon pots.

if you're scared of getting caught go with the 3 pots like i said, more chance of claiming it was for personal use, whilst also easier to manage, and cheaper as you need less seeds.


not worried about security its been up for 2 yrs no problem . i just want to maximize my yeild for the space i have premitted which is 20ft by 14 ft .. again i was either goin to stick to 2gallon or the 5s but i want it to be quick as possible . also i have been recently introducing plants into the bud room at different stages in growth to ensure i have smoke always coming out .. is this a good idea?

Brick Top

New Member
An all too common mistake in growing is picking pots that are too small. Cannabis is a hearty growing plant and it will grow well in less than ideal conditions so often times someone will grow in a small pot and the results will impress them so they wrongly assume they did very well, maybe as well as anyone could. They do not realize that with larger pots they would do even better.

When you grow in pots that are too small you risk a root-bound condition. When that happens plants will need frequent watering and are more prone to wilting from under or over watering. You will also see something that sounds contradictory but actually is not and that is stunted growth and stretching. There is less overall growth but you will get height and many confuse those tall plants they grow for growing really great and again think they are doing everything as well as it can be done. There will be slower bud production and smaller buds and that is not something I consider to be a plus.

I never use anything smaller than 5-gallon pots and often I use 7-gallon pots and when I grew outside I would use 15-gallon pots. As long as it will not cause a size/space/height issue someone can never go too large when they pick a pot size but someone can, and far too often many do, pick pots that are smaller than what would be best.


thx for the advice makes alot of sense..ill stick with the 5 gallons ..

as far as my other qustion is it acceptable to introduce plants intot he room at different stages to have bud always coming out? or is there a better solution