Pot sizes????


Do you need to use a small cup when you are first starting the seed, growing indoors. Or could i just put my seed into its fully mature container. Im growing red dragon how big should the pot be?

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I say its better to pot up at least 2 times for a few reasons. you can 1 see what your roots are lookin like, if they are nice and healthy or what not. 2 if you let em go in say a 5 gal pot you will be root bound by the time they are done veggin. so with smaller pots you can somewhat restrict growth and everytime you pot up they will expand. if your indoors i knwo a 5 gal pot isnt practical so a 2 or 3 gall should work its just up to what you have available for space. and what you want for your yeild. bigger pot = bigger plants and bigger buds.


Active Member
I've been going (clones)plug->cup->1 gallon-> 5 gallon bucket filled with 3.8 gallons of soil and crushed clay and bricks in the bottom for drainage. Thats for plants i figure on living about 3 months