Potassium Bicarbonate - is it really safe to use in flower!? Material safety data is concerning

A diluted foliar spray of potassium bicarb shouldn't pose a health risk. It is water soluble and is used in the manufacture of many food products. You are not using a fire extinguisher to rid the PM. So if you are going to spray in flower then a good bud wash in 5-gallon buckets should remove any remnants. For extra peace of mind, do four buckets, 2 with baking soda (1 cup) + lemon juice (1 cup) and 2 with plain water. I don't think anyone worries about using sodium bicarb to wash buds; by the last bucket all should be neutral. I've got a slight case of PM this grow; I am managing by cutting off the affected leaves. If your PM is out of control, then that's a decision point on whether to scrap the girl. And those product safety sheets...they are designed for industrial applications using high levels of chemical. There are several organic fungicides that can be used all the way through harvest...check out GrowSafe. Works on PM, as well as whiteflies, aphids and spider mites. It contains veg oils and citric acid.
Maybe for you I am... But I'd rather use something that doesn't warn to not be inhaled, especially when I'm doing JUST that. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. When I find information that may be helpful to some but not all I still share, because we all have different preference, patients, ailments etc...
I am not a chemist or anything. However I have read that potassium is a mobile nutrient in cannabis and in many plants. Just wondering if the potassium itself would be absorbed during the foliar application or is it locked up with the bicarbonate. All the reading I have personally done points to absorption so far.