Potassium Deficiency


Well-Known Member
Irecently heardfrom a friend (not associated w/ RIU) that a potassium deficiency would cause purpling.... so I smacked him.

I told them that cool nites can give some purple tint... and that I had never heard that neglecting your plant of potassium would result in purple BUDS- not stems but BUDS.... please tell me Im right- I made this guy look like a dumbass last night with all of our friends- If Im wrong I have no problem admitting it to them... I know that most of the purple out there is strain related or due to cold temps at nite... Is there anything else out there that could cause the "purple" in your buds to come out??>?


Well-Known Member
I've always heard that purple buds come out due to low temps at night but only in a strain that turns purple by genetics.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
iv'e got a healthy seedling of P.P.P. and its got a purple blotch on the stem so id say its strain related. a potassium defiencency means poor or no budd to me man!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah so shit- thats why he got SMACKED!!! lol

I tried to tell'em!! but he aint wanna listen...


Well-Known Member
Irecently heardfrom a friend (not associated w/ RIU) that a potassium deficiency would cause purpling.... so I smacked him.

I told them that cool nites can give some purple tint... and that I had never heard that neglecting your plant of potassium would result in purple BUDS- not stems but BUDS.... please tell me Im right- I made this guy look like a dumbass last night with all of our friends- If Im wrong I have no problem admitting it to them... I know that most of the purple out there is strain related or due to cold temps at nite... Is there anything else out there that could cause the "purple" in your buds to come out??>?
I bet you were really nice about it too, knowing you like i do ;-)


Well-Known Member
Can a lower PH cause this 2? According to the availability of nutes to the plant charts that I've seen if you get around the 5.0 to 5.3 ph range some nutrients aren't available to the plant. I only say this cause I'm a moron and didn't check my res ph for about a week. All my clones in that particular resevoir have purple stems (ph was at 5.1). It has all the normal nutes that I've been usuing all along, and none of my plants showed any signs of purple in them before this.


Well-Known Member
I would guess that only the stems will turn....

but thats why this thread is here- because its a guess

NGT- where the hell is your answer?!?!


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen some strains have purple within them. Some more than others, I'm willing to bet some money that largely this is a recessive gene that is triggered by environment like you stated earlier. That being said some will get more purple then others.


Well-Known Member
Well thing is that no one has gotten far enough into a deficiency without sorting it to really know if this is the case.

Personally I really doubt it.

If you think about it, your in flower so you should probably have a good amount of fan leaves.

The stems would go purple and the leaves would go yellow and die and turn to brown. Up until the point where there wasnt any more nutes that the buds could suck out of the leaves the plant would gradually lose energy and stop producing any bud, it would just basically slowly die from starvation. I dont think that it would go purple it would probably start to yellow as chlorophyll production halted and then whither and die.


Well-Known Member
myth busted- perfect!!!

okay, now what about that Humbolt County nutrient line- they say that their nutes CAUSE purpleing of your buds- its called Purple Maxx- google it and tell me what you think of that stuff...... food coloring??lollol


Well-Known Member
I dont reckon even ph would do it, really you need a strain that has those traits already, even then your not always assured of achieving this, take a look at dutch passions blueberry, apparently it shows blue hues if grown under perfect conditions.

To send the bud purple that isnt already is going to involve some kind of ink or colouring.


Active Member
I had read somewhere that you deprive potassium to get a purple, which would be fine for somthing like a sea of green with small plants, lacking nutes is recipie for lower yields, running a.c. during your dark hours 55' and below will turn water leaves and some seed pods on the strains like purple nepal or ppp. ... on the other side of that is heat, alot of your attic grows or outdoor greenhouses reach such high temps during the day that you will have no purple anywhere, if they are too high your plant will just stop growing all together, the whole purp. craze has some of my buddies running a.c. all the time, yeah it is real pretty and tastes gr8 but it is just another strain, I find that by switching brands after a half ounce you keep getting stoned to the bone, rather than smoking one strain only and not getting as high off the last doobie in the oz as you did with the 1st . you can die a carnation by using food coloring in the vase, I'm sure if you stuck a fresh stem in some red dye that some of it would make it to the bud and you could call it fireengine, or you might end up calling it compost cause that might not taste so good, if anyone is harvesting and tries some food coloring I'd like to hear about the results, tie-dye novelty buds