Potassium or Magnesium deficiency? Help me (with pics)


I do not know what is happening to my plants, please help me :-(


4 Violator Kush (Barney seeds) and 4 LSD (Barney seeds),
beginning of third week of flowering, under one 400w hps (cool tube) and 2 x 200w fluorescent, 12 liters pots (with "rich soil" prepared specifically for marijuana by an expert and famous local grow-shop and used by almost all growers in my town). temp 30°C, humidity 40 - 45 %.

Group view:


1ml BioGrow + 2ml BioBloom + 1ml TopoMax x liter given every time I water the plants:

View of 1 Violator Kush, and 1 LSD
lsd1.jpgviolator 1.jpg


Problem 1:

I think all the plants are overwatered but this LSD had started to yellow her leaves (first older leaves and now It's beginning to affect top, young leaves).

I think it is magnesium deficiency, what do you think?


Problem 2:

This violator is yellowing (down to up) in another manner, I think it is a potassium deficiency, what do you think???



Well-Known Member
How your watering schedule? You have a variety of droops some leaves have a little craw droop other are just plain old drooping flat down:clap: The flat down droop is usually needs watering, craw drooping is usually over watering. Let's not forget your downward canoeing of the fingers of the leave. I'm thinking maybe a ph issues or over watering, Good Luck:clap: I wished some one would mix my dirt:cool: But I don't grow in dirt no more 100% rock wool I had a lot of issues with ffof, sunshine mix 4 no more dirt for me plus the rock wool is a lot cleaner in the house. Check it out:clap:


How your watering schedule? You have a variety of droops some leaves have a little craw droop other are just plain old drooping flat down:clap: The flat down droop is usually needs watering, craw drooping is usually over watering. Let's not forget your downward canoeing of the fingers of the leave. I'm thinking maybe a ph issues or over watering, Good Luck:clap: I wished some one would mix my dirt:cool: But I don't grow in dirt no more 100% rock wool I had a lot of issues with ffof, sunshine mix 4 no more dirt for me plus the rock wool is a lot cleaner in the house. Check it out:clap:
In the past 2 weeks (from the beginning of flowering) I had watered every other day (I think it is too often). From now I have decided to water one time in 3 or four days (when the first 2 inches of soil are completely dry).
What do you think about the watering? What do you think about the deficiency I suspect?


No advices for me? (sadly this is my 1st time grow and I am completely alone because I do not have friends who are expert growers)


Active Member
im in the process of my first grow right now too. i'm almost 5 weeks into flowering, in soil (5 gal pots), and i water about once every 5-6 days. i give them nutes every other watering, and 1/4 strength whatever it says on the bottle. i have a few yellowing leaves as well, but i don't think its a big deal. your plants look fine.


Well-Known Member
Water when the pot is feeling real lightweight. I still use this meter from Lowe's $6 don't water till its at about 5 on the meter the bottom of the green part almost in the red. Be careful not to push it through any main roots stick it in near the side of the pot. Also if it needs watering no dirt will stick to the poker if you pull the thing out and dirt is sticking to it~it don't need watering. Its works on my all rock wool grow too!
Picture 11.jpg


Active Member
get some calmag, try it out in a small dosage and see if it helps. for potassium you can add some molasses.