Potential grow spot


Well-Known Member
So I moved into a new place and there is a pretty cool little room tucked away, was thinking of turning it into a little grow op. What do you think? has potential ya?



Well-Known Member
Is there anything in there that a repair man would have to access it to fix something?


Well-Known Member
Is there anything in there that a repair man would have to access it to fix something?
damn good question. Actually the only thing thats really down there is a central heater and its ducting. I never use the heater, so that shouldn't be an issue.

There is quite a bit of vertical space. I can stand up comfortably and I'm 5'10. As far as floor space, I will probably have to rig something up. But its a very nice and concealed space that isnt in the house itself


Well-Known Member
is that a sump pump in the floor there? potential mold/humidity issues??
yeah its a sump pump. I have been monitoring the temperature its its constant at around 65 degrees F. As far as humidity, seems to be around 65-70%
I'm hopping the lights will help to dry out the air a bit


Well-Known Member
yea you could make a sweet stealth grow in there with enough work/craftyness. get at it!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input everyone. I'm used to growing in a cabinet, so this is quite a step up. Going to get on this asap