potholesbill in michigan?


Well-Known Member
I have to wonder how much of our complaints are born of our collective inaction. Despite bettering trends, the deep implications of prohibition, including outlets for underlying frustration such as these, are still just symptoms. The face of anonymity takes a form that we do not like because of underlying angst and dissatisfaction grown of prior willingness to closet collective desires and not demand better. Without such rigid motivations, what would be the tone of anonymous social discourse? Forums are born of the tone set by the standards of the people populating the votes and voices of the past. The back and forth of which we are all sometimes guilty, those conflicting symptoms of the same disease shading the satisfaction of our collective expectations - our desire to be more right than that guy, to not be wrong - will always keep us apart if we allow it. I may be an exception, but I can take or leave anything said or written here. However, I do see the potential. Bigtaco, Stow, Alien, Chuck, Bugeye, Dr. P, I hear all of the people with which I've clashed and our confrontation quells something of a revolutionary spirit each time I decay to that, a decade ago, well that decade is gone. The impropriety of my treatment of those who share the same underlying frustrations and resultant plight is not lost on me, but it is not something on which I focus either.

The removal of systematic resistance to the caring system of which you speak and that which we all conceptualized in 2008 and saw in some areas being worked out through to 2010 and 11, may come back.


Well-Known Member
To me, this plant is about freedom. I know so many people that can't let there neighbors know they smoke, can't let bosses know. I constantly piss off some of my own friends because I usually have a stinky one in my pocket. Both because maybe I want to smoke it maybe I want to just say fuck you to someone who would rather not smell it? I have known for years if everyone that benefits from this plant come out and admit it. It has improved lately but only slightly.

If used correctly this plant can feed, medicate, entertain, cloth, just about everything. Learning to use it has also taught me how to grow food and further myself from the same system trying to keep the plant from us. I think everyone needs to look at the entire impact of cannabis and the entire reason its banned. And do what they can to genuinely support the plant. Stop spending money on business that do not support the plant. Don't kiss ass. Where a little pin showing that you support freeing the plant. Don't ever talk down about it, not even to a pig! This is how it will become free! If you want cannabis to help you, then help it. Play politics if you want but at the end of the day sit back and look, do the things that I do and the people I give my money too actually make anything better?