POTPIMP.COM <--- Something has to be done about that site.. I'm working on it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I've never used that site.. but apparently quite a few of you around here have.. (mostly noobz) that don't know any better.

But, its sites like www.potpimp.com that make other legitimate sites like Nirvana and Attitude.. look bad... when they're actually a legit company.. but again.. with people having bad experiences and hearing about bad experiences about potpimp.com ... people are going to be more reluctant to try other companies because their first experience was so terrible.

But, something has got to be done. I've already tried talking to the company that the domain is registered to. But even they tell me, "hey, we don't directly host their domain, we're simply a conduit". Which.. is total BS if you ask me. But he said that their domain (the site) is being hosted by their own personal server.. not through a public hosting company. But then, I get to thinking.. okay.. then why is your hosting company name.. in the registrar?? Doesn't make much sense.. unless they're in on the scam.. that's the only thing I could think of.

Even though I never got taken by those people over at potpimp.com; there still has to be some kind of justice done for those who have been ripped off by this "company". They can't get away with this.. and not pay some kind of consequence for their actions.

And yeah, I'm sure there are some spies around here from potpimp.com; that will go running back to potpimp.com and telling everyone about this thread.

Well, I say go ahead. Either way, potpimp.com isn't going to stay in business for much longer. So, have fun while you guys can! ta ta!

If anyone knows where I could find some good and HUGE wordlists.. let me know. I could sure use some better ones.


P.S. - Also, if you would like to help spread the word.. even more about how shitty and terrible potpimp.com really is.. then check out the following sites.

http://www.sitejabber.com/reviews/www.potpimp.com?rid=6f2269405300cfb43aab01210162b4e1 <-- thats my review


https://www.ftccomplaintassistant.gov/ <---- they actually investigate and take action against sites like potpimp
ill deffff help. Potpimp seems like the dumbest BS I've ever seen. wtf is up with they're opening page? lmao. You got me man, Deff rep+


Well-Known Member
Never heard of thm before, but if you're needing a wordlist for what I am thinking it's for why mention it in public? specially in this thread. All that's going to do is bring there attention to what you're doing


Well-Known Member
I seen it earlier b4 reading this and thought it was the dumbest shit ever. They got a rat growin weed underground....haha....yea I would never buy from them anyways. Looks to unnprofessional for me. Im on board.


Well-Known Member
You can't even see their strains without registering. It doesn't seem the least bit legit.


Well-Known Member
Lol maybe I came in a little slow but why are you trying to brute force into Potpimp?...

and if you already have the log in and password... go into an FTP program and erase all their files and backups. Bye bye potpimp, unless they're smart and back it up offline.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of thm before, but if you're needing a wordlist for what I am thinking it's for why mention it in public? specially in this thread. All that's going to do is bring there attention to what you're doing

All I have to do, if that were to happen..?? Is change my tactics. Change my method.. ;)

thanks though.
I got on their site a couple times and then I pm'd ripz and asked him a question about some stuff I had heard and the next thing I know I was banned... Shady Shady Shady if you ask me... Maybe they are in business with BC Bud Depot...


Well-Known Member
well, again.. I've never used them. But, I've seen too many people around here... talking about how they got taken for a ride.. and ripped off.

which like I said, potpimp.com; makes other LEGIT companies.. such as Attitude and Nirvana, look bad.

We all know that SpeedySeedz; Attitude; and Nirvana are all three reputable and legit companies. I've never had any problems from either three of them. Not once!

I'm simply trying to stick up for my fellow tokers.. and show potpimp.com that they can't continue to take peoples money from them.. and get away with it like nothing ever happened. If the law won't do anything to help the people that got ripped off.. then I'll take it into my own hands.. and do whatever I see acceptable as punishment.

anyhow, back to what I was doing.



Well-Known Member
ganja it will probably have to be you. seeing how buying seeds in the U.S. is illegal, I don't think the law will do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
All I have to do, if that were to happen..?? Is change my tactics. Change my method.. ;)

thanks though.
That makes sense, until you realize that if they are paying attention to this site (Since you posted it in the biggest board, on one of the biggest forums on the net directly related to there "Product" that's pretty much a give-in) Of course they would click a thread titled
"POTPIMP.COM <--- Something has to be done about that site.. I'm working on it."

They've already backed up there database so you can spend all day cracking it and they'll go into MySQL and reupload the databases in 5 minutes.

Now that that's out of the way, you said you were trying to crack it, are you trying to crack the user end of the site, or are you actually working into the control panel?

The directory that should be in your brute forcer isn't just potpimp.com

The Admin login isn't on the main site, if you think you found the password, you're going to want to try it at
