Potpourri (Lemon Amnesia, White Widow, Critical Mass) - LED/Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I cut my White Widow and got rid of 600W (plus losses and cooltube fan) of electrical consumption. After a few hours of work my tent was transformed and the young ones waiting in the bathroom under 4 panels (96W) for five weeks, took their final place, under 6 panels (144W)

We will consider yesterday, 18th of March the first day under 12/12. I plat to axe them in 10 weeks time at about the 27th of May.

A general view

Those are some young ones I didn't want to throw away and noone wanted to take them. We got 3 White Widows and the one on the low left corner is an Amnesia Lemon.

Over here we got the following. At the back, 2 Amnesia Lemon; in the middle, on the left we got a third Lemon and on the right a Widow; on the front we got a Critical Mass and on the right yet another Widow (had plenty of clones :-P ) All of the plants undertook some kind of training (topping, LST, etc)

The system works quite easy. Water comes in

Water comes out

Yeah I know, transparent tube. I'll change it if I can be arsed :D

And closing with another perspective

I will be trying to do weekly updates but I'm kind of a lazy fuck sometimes, I hope you can empathize, so nothing is guaranteed :D

Be well lads and lasses, thank you for reading


Well-Known Member
About 6 litres each, gallons depends if you want US or imperial :p (1.58 - 1.32)
But doesn't matter as the design is not to allow water to stay in the bucket but to constantly circulate it. I allowed only about 1/2 a litre to remain in each bucket to protect against a pump failure; it will provide the necessary moisture for the plant to stay alive for some hours.


Well-Known Member
Finally the panels got the place they deserve in the tent :P Flo the hell out of the girls :)
Yeah, and it's so much easier to take pictures ;) This is how things look like at the moment
It's been five days now and they have adjusted in their new environment. The small ones
Lemon Amnesia 1
Lemon Amnesia 2
Lemon Amnesia 3
White Widow 1
Critical Mass
White Widow 2
And a final pic


Well-Known Member
I have added another four panels (ten in total now) reaching 240 Watts.

This is how I got em clustered. Two rows of 3 panels each on the sides and one with four in the middle.

The Lemon Amnesia is taking the lead being the fastest to start budding

The thick stems on the left belong to the Critical Mass, it shows quite promising

Now that flowering has begun I'll try to be more punctual at updates to show the progress. To tell the truth from the widows I don't expect that much, I was a bit unsatisfied with the results of my previous grow and these are clones of that plant, but at least the taste makes up for the lesser yield.


Well-Known Member
So it's been three weeks already and I'm four plants down. I sacrificed the widows, kept only one, so now I'm down to 6 plants in total, 4 Lemon Amnesia, 1 Critical Mass and 1 White Widow. I really didn't like having roots in the reservoir so I just took the Lemon from there, transplanted it where Widow #2 used to be. I also had some spots that could be signalling Pythium problems. So I also sterilised everything I could.

Also I changed my nutes. My ph-meter has been going nuts lately and I wanted to give the Advanced Nutrients a go, so now I'm using their 3-part series along with Big Bud. Their supposed to be ph perfect, i.e. no need to adjust ph at all, so what the hell.

This is how things look like at the moment

At the back I got 2 Lemons, in the middle-left is the Critical Mass and on the right the Widow. On the front the remaining two Lemons.

Lemon #1

Lemon #2

Critical Mass

White Widow

Lemon #3

Lemon #4

And a final group shot.

I'm not expecting a big yield, LA and this pheno of the Widow are really low yielders, let's see how the Critical Mass will do.


Well-Known Member
I'm keeping them at around 20cm, closest could be at about 10. I never had any problems with the panels being too close


Well-Known Member
maybe when you set the panels lower than 15 cm at the start of the vegetation it delays the height. is this correct?:?:


Well-Known Member
Nah, I haven't noticed anything like that during my grow and the tests I've seen. Some strains react a bit odd to the panels being too close, that's why it's recommended as a general specification to keep the panels at about 20 cm. It's up to the plant really and how it will react to specific conditions. As with ferts that not all strains require the same feeding, something similar applies to lighting conditions.


Well-Known Member
i see..maybe it's my idea..bongsmilie
Well I wouldn't say so, as I said we shouldn't consider all cannabis plants as the same, they do vary significantly and in your case what you say may pretty well apply.

That's the biggest problem we're all facing I guess. Due to prohibition all tests have to be clandestine and small scale.


Well-Known Member
Sub'd. Looking good man....I'm planning on going led myself and you look like you know what ur doin. Check back later man.


Well-Known Member
Budding continues. They seem to be doing OK with the new ferts, the lemons are much more into the new feeding

Group shot

Lemon 1

Lemon 2

Critical Mass

White Widow

Lemon 3

Lemon 4



Well-Known Member
Hey, man. Was just wondering...do you think I could get away with using 1 150w agromax panel in a small tent with 1 plant?