Pots, fans & how many in my grow area....


Well-Known Member

In a 4.5 x 4.5x 6.5 grow area, when the plants have been transplanted to their final pot (before harvesting) and are in their "flowering" stage;

1) What dimensions should the pot/planter be? I read somewhere (maybe on this site but not sure) that it's not the width so much that's important, rather it's how deep the pot/planter is that matters. So what kind of dimensions are we looking at here?
2) Are those cheap black plastic ones (found in any given garden store) sufficient?


If I have a grow tent that's 5 x 5x 6.5 (I'll only be utilizing 4.5 x 4.5 of the grow area with a 1000 watt HPS/MH lighting system; just got a bigger tent to accommodate the fans and other goodies) ;

1) How many oscillating fans do I need?
2) How big should those fans be? I went to my local hardware store and the smallest oscillating fan they had was 12" (which seemed kinda big)


Knowing what you know (about my grow area);

1) How many of those pots/planters would you say could safely fit into that 4.5 x 4.5 x 6.5 grow area?

I apologize if my questions have been asked a million times before me, but after researching it I just couldn't find the answers I was looking for. Please be gentle. :-P


Well-Known Member
cheap pots will work but something more sturdy will be safer if you have to move them around at all. yes its more about deep than wide. each plant should have at least 1 sqft of space. you COULD have up to 16 plants in a 4x4 area but more room for each plant is better and you need some room to get in there if you need to and for equipment.


Well-Known Member
cheap pots will work but something more sturdy will be safer if you have to move them around at all. yes its more about deep than wide. each plant should have at least 1 sqft of space. you COULD have up to 16 plants in a 4x4 area but more room for each plant is better and you need some room to get in there if you need to and for equipment.

Now what about the fans? What size fan would you recommend? I'd like to go with the 12" osciallating fan because it was affordable and it had 3 settings. What are your thoughts on the size? Too big? Or will it work?

Lastly, what do you think about these pots? http://plasticflowerpots.net/10gallonplastictreepotslotof10-1.aspx
Don't factor in the cost when you give your opinion. I'm only concerned about the dimensions and if you think it would work with the 16 plants you mentioned. And why is it that some of them come with a "saucer" ?
Are you talking about fans for ventilation or a fan to circulate the air in the room? If the air in the room then any oscillating fan will work, it just hast to move the air.

Ventilation is different. You want to exchange the air in your room ever 3 to 5 minutes, but I recommend closer to 3. To do that you have to take into account the size of ur grow room. I think u said 6x6x6 or some thin. Doesn't matter, you will see how to figure out ur size grow. So, 6x6=36, multiply that by 6=216 sq ft. You will need to get a couple fans rated at least 216 cfm to vent the air in the room. Two fans if using an active intake and one if using passive. U will need a higher rated fan if going through ur light hood or using a carbon scrubber, or both. But u get the picture.

Now, what kind of fans are u talking about? :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
With a 1000w light you need some really good ventilation...so the bigger and better the fan the better and I can assure you that an oscillating fan will not help with the hear from that light...


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about fans for ventilation or a fan to circulate the air in the room? If the air in the room then any oscillating fan will work, it just hast to move the air.

Ventilation is different. You want to exchange the air in your room ever 3 to 5 minutes, but I recommend closer to 3. To do that you have to take into account the size of ur grow room. I think u said 6x6x6 or some thin. Doesn't matter, you will see how to figure out ur size grow. So, 6x6=36, multiply that by 6=216 sq ft. You will need to get a couple fans rated at least 216 cfm to vent the air in the room. Two fans if using an active intake and one if using passive. U will need a higher rated fan if going through ur light hood or using a carbon scrubber, or both. But u get the picture.

Now, what kind of fans are u talking about? :blsmoke:
Sorry for not being more specific. I'm talking about fans for circulating the air in the room. As for ventilation, I'm hooked up to a Vortex 10" - VTX1000 so that's more than good enough. My concern now is getting a small fan to circulate the air in my grow room. I want something small and with a very low speed setting (so as not to hurt the plants).

So.... ????? :)
Any oscillating fan will work then. I use one that has the 3 speed settings on it and set it on a small stool in my room. They also sell ones that you can mount directly to your walls, to save space. I will be getting one of those soon. U basically want to mimic the wind blowing out side, don't over think it, but don't get a huge fan and put it on high. A cheap one with the speed settings will work. Aim it at the top of the canopy, and remember if you are adding co2 to cut the fans off while you are running it and make sure you are applying it from the top of the plant down, as it is heavier than air and will sink.

Hope this helps a little. Good luck with ur grow brother :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Any oscillating fan will work then. I use one that has the 3 speed settings on it and set it on a small stool in my room. They also sell ones that you can mount directly to your walls, to save space. I will be getting one of those soon. U basically want to mimic the wind blowing out side, don't over think it, but don't get a huge fan and put it on high. A cheap one with the speed settings will work. Aim it at the top of the canopy, and remember if you are adding co2 to cut the fans off while you are running it and make sure you are applying it from the top of the plant down, as it is heavier than air and will sink.

Hope this helps a little. Good luck with ur grow brother :leaf:
Thanks for the help guys. But funny thing; there's a bit of a twist to my circumstance. Ok, so I just purchased a HEPA filter (one of those tower ones). Actually, so you know which model I got here's the link : http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/3/HouseHome/1/HeatingAirConditioning/AirCleaners/PRD~0436028P/Honeywell+110CADR+Air+Cleaner,+White.jsp?locale=en
That should help you visualize it a bit better. It's NOT oscillating though. I got it because my basement was starting to smell funky (because of a side project I'm working on; in relation to growing my weed). The low speed setting on this is nice. The only problem is it doesn't oscillate.

Am I ok to use this (if positioned to cover most of the grow) or would you still suggest going with a small oscillating fan? Sorry for being nitpicky but if I don't have to invest more into my grow than I'd like to save me some dough. I've been keeping a spreadsheet to track the cost of this project and while I only have a few more small items to get, so far this project has cost me $1700 (taxes included). Yes it has been pricey but I convinced myself that if I was going to do this, I'd do it right. Mind you, a lot of it is one time purchases that should last me for years (I.E: My vortex inline fan, my scrubber [2 years I'm told from the hydroponics dude], fan speed control, etc.)