Potting Question


Well-Known Member
Now, my problem is, im limited to space, so what i was thinking, is if i put it in a milk container, that is very long, but not verry tall, how would that go over? im thinking it'll be sweet.


Well-Known Member
pleaseeeee someone elsee, i was thinking a long pott would be better then a roound one, not alota room going outtt.


Well-Known Member
Im really not picturing what your saying, at all. Sorry.

But I grow in 3 gallon kitty-litter buckets. Theyre big plastic buckets, but are square so they basically fit together. Square pots are much easier to cram together, and mine are about 1 square foot each, which is pretty much perfect for my setup.


Well-Known Member
kk so im on a window cill, and theres not alot room coming out, but its long, so i thought if i use something thats tall, and long, but not wide coming out, like circle would not work.


Well-Known Member
Ok, im picturing it now. Im picturing like a 5-6 inch windowsill? If so, You'd want to have something at LEAST 6 inches deep, and plant the plants no closer than 1.5ft from each other. If you did that, yeah, you should be good.


Well-Known Member
General rule of thumb to go by: your plant needs roughly 1 gallon of rootspace for every 1 foot of vertical height.


Well-Known Member
i only have 1 plant :P so what i was thinking is if i put it in like something really tall , but not that wide, it'll work, i'll throw some pics up in a couple min tho.

edditt, it will be wide, it just wolnt come out that far off the window cill , becuase another key thing, their is a blind that comes down.
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Well-Known Member
For the time being, yes. You can probably constrain it to that size pot for all of flowering, but ideally it will eventually need more room. Dont forget to drill holes in the bottom!