Pouring Tea in soil?? Will it help?


Well-Known Member
I have seen high school projects online of people who make cold tea and pour it into soil. Some plants have had great success with it from what I have read. What I want to know is has anyone ever tried this with MJ? I hear the benefits are that it kills fungus and helps nitrogen. Any thoughts?

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
You might want to dilute it just a bit, but yes tea is fin for your plants. In moderation of course.

Sweet tea is great because the sugar feeds all the little beneficial microbes is the soil.


Well-Known Member
so maybe mix it with a gall of distilled water? Thanks for the response and info man!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do it... but thats just me. I've never tried it so I don't know for certain... but I'm inclined to believe that the tea would grow mold.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it is fertilizer tea im thinking of. There are organic potting teas that are sold.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Yes, you can make "manure tea" and that is great for your plants if you know what you're doing. You can burn your plants with it if you aren't careful.

Regular tea has nitrogen and trace minerals that are good for your plants as well. As does coffee and any number of organic materials.

Composting your plants with coffee and/or tea grounds provides a great source of slow release nitrogen and trace elements for your plants. As well as helping to keep your soil moist.

You have to be careful not to pile any compost against your stems as this could cause a bacterial canker aka stem rot.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info guys. I may try this on a future project/plant, but not this time. I have a good looking femme no need to mess her up. I will def let you know how it grows.