Poverty levels.


Well-Known Member
I was reading about poverty levels and they had a list of the 10 poorest and 10 richest states. They stated they used cost of living as part of the listing process. After reading it, I was kind of amused so I started analyzing the actual numbers using cost of living.

After adjusting for the cost of living, the list wouldn't even have the same 10 states on it. Given that it is a huge subject and the numbers aren't always easy to find in an equivalent way. After a bit, I considered looking at the poverty % adjusted for cost of living, but to be honest it looks like I would have to take the IRS gov information per state and do cost of living adjustments against the federal poverty level to compile it. Given the different ways to look at cost of living and everything, I put an hour or so into looking and realized this is the type of thing I should of did in college, lol.

I did enjoy looking at the information however, and I found some other lists that seemed to be trying to do somewhat the same thing.

This list adjusts median income by the cost of living, as well as the percent of state residents on welfare. It uses the ACCRA cost of living index. I am not saying it is dead on, but at least it is an honest try. Though I would of liked to see poverty % adjusted by cost of living.

I read about how the federal poverty level was calculated in the last 50's by taking the cost of food for a family and multiplying it by 3. This is the same thing we use now apparently, only adjusted for inflation. I was surprised no one had ever tried to fix that.

It was also interesting that the poverty level in some states (like Florida) is likely way off given the number of retirees who have money other than 'income'.

I assume Alaska is skewed by indigenous populations whose income is essentially 0, and may be receiving benefits. Not just on the list I provided, but on many. On the flip side, their cost of living is so high that anyone who works makes more than poverty.

Poverty Levels, I looked at Wiki. This is a straight listing based on people below the federal poverty level. It is essentially useless except as numbers to compare adjusted numbers to. For instance, the cost of living Hawaii is very high so to compare poverty levels there you would have to raise it to $18-20k or so for a single person. This would mean this poverty rate is probably one of the worse in the nation.

Someone who makes $10k in Mississippi is considered poverty level, but someone who makes $12k in California would not be. I don't think anyone would suggest the person in California is better off.

It is my opinion that the poverty levels in states with a high cost of living are very understated, and the poverty level in states with a low cost of living are either closer to the truth or overstated.

I am curious as to why no one ever says "We need to redefine poverty in the United States." Obviously the number we are using isn't based on anything, and is unfairly classifying people who are poor as not, and vice versa.

Policy aside of how much help for the poor there should be, it seems like this is a major problem. If we, as a country, are going to distribute aid to the poor and less fortunate then we should do so logically and fairly, not based on some figure made up by multiplying food costs in the 1950s.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
but someone who makes $12k in California would not be. I don't think anyone would suggest the person in California is better off.
someone would either have to be part time or make under minimum wage to earn 12k in California.


Well-Known Member
someone would either have to be part time or make under minimum wage to earn 12k in California.
You would have to be part time or work for less than minimum wage to make 12k a year regardless of the state, as the minimum wage is $7.75. I didn't talk about it, but they add 3600 to the poverty level for each person. My point was that in order for the person in California to be even with the person in Mississippi, the person in Cali would have to make half again as much to maintain the same standard of living.

Here are the guidelines the federal government uses:

California shows 13.2% of its population lives in poverty. The number is really much higher than that once you consider the cost of living. Probably more like 25%.


Well-Known Member
Or collecting Social Security.
Correct. Retired people who collect social security and live off of savings would be considered poor.

The poverty level doesn't account for owning things, or savings, only income. It also doesn't account for monetary and non monetary support from the government. (Snap, wic, food stamps, welfare, EIC, ect)


Well-Known Member
Essentially, the way everything is setup gives help that is being supplied to people who need it less or don't need it at all because of where they live. Not that I advocate all the programs, it just seems if we are going to do something, we might as well do it in a semi-logical way.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
poorest people in america are in the upper 1% for the world . . . .it ain that bad, i made les then 14k for along time . . it really wasnt that bad . . . .its the white picket fence FAMILY LIFE kinda mentality that tells others who have less they are worse off . .. . when i was poor state medicare was like 25 bucks . . . . not that i needed it

cry me a river


Well-Known Member
poorest people in america are in the upper 1% for the world . . . .it ain that bad, i made les then 14k for along time . . it really wasnt that bad . . . .its the white picket fence FAMILY LIFE kinda mentality that tells others who have less they are worse off . .. . when i was poor state medicare was like 25 bucks . . . . not that i needed it

cry me a river
I am inclined to agree with you. I don't believe in government coddling anyone. Whether you agree with with government or the idea of poverty really doesn't matter. I purposely controlled my libertarian side on this post because I was not debating right or wrong, I was debating what is. The point of my post wasn't to say we need to expand or contract government entitlements. The post was merely about poverty levels per the government and how poorly they are trying (or not trying) to be fair with what they do. In the sense of poverty in the USA, we are of course talking about relative poverty.


Well-Known Member
Because the *poverty level* is the same as the *unemployment rate* a political tool that has no basis in reality and is manipulated for political gain.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Because the *poverty level* is the same as the *unemployment rate* a political tool that has no basis in reality and is manipulated for political gain.
so the unemployed who have zero income are the only americans under or at poverty level . . is that what your saying? your fallacy is showing

then how did i make and fill out 1040's for my 14k income level for 5 years . . .


Well-Known Member
Because the *poverty level* is the same as the *unemployment rate* a political tool that has no basis in reality and is manipulated for political gain.
Just like that.

If we calculated unemployment the same way we did before Clinton changed it, we would have an official unemployment number of 15.1%.

The people living in poverty still have more than 90% of the people in the world though. You learn to be resourceful when you are poor. Grow a garden, clip coupons, get food from church pantries, beg for money at the interstate off-ramp.......


New Member
poorest people in america are in the upper 1% for the world . . . .it ain that bad, i made les then 14k for along time . . it really wasnt that bad . . . .its the white picket fence FAMILY LIFE kinda mentality that tells others who have less they are worse off . .. . when i was poor state medicare was like 25 bucks . . . . not that i needed it

cry me a river
Holy shit, we agree on something!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i support reality . . not political agenda

because i live it, i dont make up what i want it to be then find ways to prove it . . or make it happens thats what politicians do

i would be the worst politician, mis informed aside, i would be brutally honest, for some reason in this country its not OK to be wrong . . and so much to the point that politicians and people with popularity to fear will create the lie as a reality in order to pass as "honest" or" down to earth"

America hates a honest man, they want lies veiled behind a white(teeth not skin tone jerks) smiles


Well-Known Member
so the unemployed who have zero income are the only americans under or at poverty level . . is that what your saying? your fallacy is showing

then how did i make and fill out 1040's for my 14k income level for 5 years . . .
You attempted to create a fallacy in my statement and then attack it.

The OP demonstrated quite aptly that the *poverty* rate has nothing to do with actual poverty and is so generally based as to be meaningless.

I am not saying that people do not live in poverty, I am agreeing that the government statistics that calculate the *poverty rate* are horse shit.

Do you just want to argue with me due to inertia?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
You attempted to create a fallacy in my statement and then attack it.

The OP demonstrated quite aptly that the *poverty* rate has nothing to do with actual poverty and is so generally based as to be meaningless.

I am not saying that people do not live in poverty, I am agreeing that the government statistics that calculate the *poverty rate* are horse shit.

Do you just want to argue with me due to inertia?
i asked a question made a statement and presented my life experience

are you so convoluted that you see me sharing my thoughts and experience as a attack

get the fuck out of here

go mow a lawn

if you really believe that i who was considered lower then poverty level income, was unemployed . . i cant help or attack that it just is your assumed reality

figure it out


Well-Known Member
You attempted to create a fallacy in my statement and then attack it.

The OP demonstrated quite aptly that the *poverty* rate has nothing to do with actual poverty and is so generally based as to be meaningless.

I am not saying that people do not live in poverty, I am agreeing that the government statistics that calculate the *poverty rate* are horse shit.

Do you just want to argue with me due to inertia?
I was commenting only on poverty rate, exactly. I wasn't blaming anyone, I wasn't going political with it. I was just pointing out something that I noticed and enjoyed reading about.


Well-Known Member
i asked a question made a statement and presented my life experience

are you so convoluted that you see me sharing my thoughts and experience as a attack

get the fuck out of here

go mow a lawn

if you really believe that i who was considered lower then poverty level income, was unemployed . . i cant help or attack that it just is your assumed reality

figure it out
Relax and reread the statement about poverty and unemployment. He was simply saying the poverty % is a manipulated number like unemployment %, not that they were the same thing or related in any other way than being a manipulated number.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
id say percentage of population unable for whatever reason to make a wage that allows them to progress is important, and in no way trivial

the two values being used together means notta as the outcome is the same . . . . under poverty level. the important information in those values is that they represent people and in no way even if used by slimy political PC thugs , should be considered irrelevant to what is wrong with this country

why the lowest income range of people cant get ahead or in this case or not getting ahead is pretty important, having been at poverty level income and getting out of it to just above poverty level i see very little contrast, now i have animals and internet and phone accounts . . but am i really living any better . . nope

costs of living rising and falling should be what is discussed in this thread, cost of basic necessities . . . in other words corporations taking advantage of rising costs of business then when they subside they keep ther prices high, raising the cost of living but avg income for largest percentage of population still doesn't go up . . .