Powder Mold?


New Member
If youre that close you can use Ed Rosenthals Zero Tolerance Fungicide. I did a week before harvest. Spray, Spray, Spray.. there are better answers for plants in Veg or at an earlier stage but Zero Tolerance worked quite well for me.


New Member
treat with a spray 1 part skim milk to 9 parts water
if u need to proof i can provide but caught me as going to bed
the milk works its proven


Well-Known Member
High PH water works great late harvest, doesn't even bother the hairs. No residue, no weird taste or smell.

Just don't force water into the buds, shake excess water off and blow dry them ( oscillating fans on high blowing from all directions ) and your fine.

Must be 8.3 PH or higher.

And wait a few hours before turning the HIDs back on.
Well folks. After hours of research about my previos post of finding PM on my plants, I have found a SOLUTION. Yes I am very late harvest less than 8-10 days from cutting them down. I researched and Jorge had the trick! H2O2, 1.25oz to 2qts water. Dont ph it, just leave it as is. You can do this first thing in the light cycle, but I prefer after the lights go out. I turned all of my fans off, filled my spray bottle with the H2O2 (3%) solution and went to spraying. Then I turned all of the fans on high (2 12" AirKings and 2 16" BadAss Frigure 8 fans for 20 plants). It has been only 24hrs since the first spray (and another one tonight too), but today the PM seems to be vanishing. It for sure killed a lot of it on first application.

I read that a 3-5 day regiment of this EVEN late harvest leaves no taste or residue to taint your tastey nugs. I will continue this for the next 3 nights and let you know the end results, but I can say after just 24hrs it had an amazing result! Jorge Cervantes, thank you! I think you saved my ladies from doom....also he reccomends a H2O2 bath, a good plain water rinse to get rid of any excess h2o2 left, and then fan blow dry, then trim as soon as they are dry.

I have talked to a few friends that knew about this and said when they have done it properly it is a miracle in the works. It saved a few of their crops and they promised this is the best natural remedy for less than $5.00. So, anyone can afford it that has any interest in their end product. I love rollitup.org! Thanks for all of your help folks! Mold Free in days to come!!!

As far as the plain water at high Ph, I like that idea too. Seems logical. mold dies at high Ph, but personally i think the H2O2 is excellent as it steralizes things form mold as it is blown around the room too. I misted all of my carbon filters with is in the hopes of killing the mold spores trapped in those also (yes I will clean them with an H2O2 solution, but hey it was 4/20 and I had a few things to do lol). IF I ever see this problem again (which I shouldnt) then I will do plain high ph water right away and avoid the mess that not taking care of this 7 days ago created. If you see PM, DO NOT WAIT! Immediately, it spread fast!

Organic Hydro Rules!