powdery midew problems and solutions?

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
blah blah blah...home remedy this, my grandfather use to use blah, try a little of uhhhh...........just go an get yourself some GreenCure....its not some lame ass "lets just make it so we cant see the PM" remedy...it kills the PM...internally as well. I had PM really bad, for a long time...then I used GC, a few rotations later the moms and clones are PM free........I get such a kick out of peoples "home remedy"..yeah spray milk all over your plants...lord knows milk doesnt spoil....yeah sulfur burners, I love that slight taste of sulphur so much I always smoke with matches even if i have a lighter....I know I sound jaded, but thats because people can spread so much stupid info on these sites that the real info gets lost in the chaos.......Click here this seller on ebay ships all over the world.


Well-Known Member
Milk spray works about 4 or 5 days, Green cure about 10 or 11 days listen lots of us get PM and we all know what will happen. You aren't linking us to any new cutting edge discoveries!!! Listen to the California boy here, I have PM on my roses out front.

Wish there was a cure for PM but once a plant is infected with it, it is kind of like herpies for the plant you can control it but not cure it. I am putting some through flower right now I know have PM, of course I skewered the environment to disfavor colonization so it doesn't occur in my op, but it pisses me off I made this Strawberry Cough strain I have with a male plant specifically and then I got it infected with PM. Anyone does find a new space age CURE please do post that right on up here.
I hate to grave dig like this but very curious to the outcome of the PM. Clevis is what I just bought and very curious to others experiences. I have read and heard that it is a systemic cure. Any info or updates about this stuff.

Again, I am sorry to grave dig but thought this was better then starting another thread on PM or control methods.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
They have sulfur powder tat they use on grapes and roses. Sold at places like home depot or OSH.
Spray on your plants around lights off time. Then come back the next day and hti em with water to clear up the residue.

I wouldnt use this 4 weeks past flower though....
Maybe a dehumidifier is the way to go as a long term solution.
It's proactive rather than reactive.


Well-Known Member
i've delt with PM every winter due to crazy high humitity and strains that are very prone to infection. And i for one can tell you that eagle 20 is the only thing that will stop PM. I spray my mothers once a week before taking cutting then again a week before i switch to frower and have never seen pm again. Eagle 20 is systemic and changes the leaf structure from the inside out.



Well-Known Member
i've delt with PM every winter due to crazy high humitity and strains that are very prone to infection. And i for one can tell you that eagle 20 is the only thing that will stop PM. I spray my mothers once a week before taking cutting then again a week before i switch to frower and have never seen pm again. Eagle 20 is systemic and changes the leaf structure from the inside out.

Your very right...
Its the only way to totally eradicate pm....
Pm is everywhere ..all around us like any mold deitritus....
Just a matter of controlling it....
And stopping before it gets out of hand....
The only bad thing with eag 20 is u have to use it before u start flowering.....


Well-Known Member
great im pretty shore i got pm in my 3 strain 2 of them uk clone-onlys! i kinda knew once got near nigh impossible to get rid off. good info thanks.


Well-Known Member
I have pics of all stages of pm ..
Ive dealt with it many times..
It tends to be mostly in clones.... (not your own personal clones)..
Its just the nature of the beast...
It can be deafeted easily with little to no spraying ....
But unfortunately if it shows late .it can be a big problm...(or if u chop some leaves and think its gone...lol...never do that ..spray fast ... get your rom suppper dry)
Youl learn fast when you lose buds to pm ... and will see it before it even shows....
Its easy to spot and speads fast ....dry enviroments usually never have these issues..