Powdery Mildew and Eagle 20

So at my old work our environment of 71° day 61° night 35% humidity is not the right environment? Bleaching the rooms after every run and spraying green cure every 7 days and still everywhere. And we defoliated like a mother fucker and still had it. When we were allowed to use eagle 20 tho it was never seen......wonder why
10 degree shift in temps? that's pretty big i'd try to lower that to 5 if possible, and I'd have to investigate your grow area, did you have dry wall / any carpet / what grow system / lots of factors possible you could have it in your HVAC system do you have a UV-C bulb or any filtration into your grow ? whats your air exchange like ?
I installed a UV-C light in my HVAC system , I use two HEPA filters now it's all about preventing the spores from outside getting in and when they in you gotta use a good fertilizer that has Chitin in it like insect frass or crab shells crushed up to prevent that, gotta make your plant strong as hell with some silica in the soil as well.
10 degree shift in temps? that's pretty big i'd try to lower that to 5 if possible, and I'd have to investigate your grow area, did you have dry wall / any carpet / what grow system / lots of factors possible you could have it in your HVAC system do you have a UV-C bulb or any filtration into your grow ? whats your air exchange like ?
Multiple UV bulbs no air exchange filters changed and bleach atomized thru whole HVAC system every run. We did everything whole room sealed no bare dry wall or brick or anything. I guarantee its systemic and 10° is not a big swing that's a proper swing. We also wouldn't get bonuses if we pulled below 2.3lbs a light. I worked for the largest concentrate company in Colorado for a while and I can guarantee again it's systemic it's why Colorado commercial grows are fucked not being allowed to used eagle 20 due to flammability only.
I installed a UV-C light in my HVAC system , I use two HEPA filters now it's all about preventing the spores from outside getting in and when they in you gotta use a good fertilizer that has Chitin in it like insect frass or crab shells crushed up to prevent that, gotta make your plant strong as hell with some silica in the soil as well.
Always used silica and even used axiom once a month to boost immune system.....still pm UV light rings in the HVAC still have it. It's in the plant it spreads through the air yes in the form of a spore but once on the plant it infects more than just locally. Its a systemic disease. The hyphae assure that it will be able to bloom again because all you do is wash off the blooming fungi
It will kill it over a week or two if not washed off. Reason eagle is only thing that kills it is both are systemic. Kills from inside out so if you don't wash it off it will take its time to die but will be dead before the 30 days is up
No. Please read the msds. Everyone read it.

http://www.kernred.com/kern-agcomm/products/EAGLE 20 EW.pdf

It contains naphthalene.


It contains myclobutanil.


Cannabis is used to actually clean hazardous materials from soil. Naphthalene is a petroleum product. I'm sure that there are traces of it in the final product.

The actual fungicide, myclobutanil, doesn't pose much acute risk, that's not what worries me. It the buildup over time. See like most toxic chemicals it is not the small doses that kill you, it builds up over time and kills you.

Myclobutanil can cause serious problems over time. It showed reduced pup weight along with other problems and chronic toxicity caused weight loss and reduced brain and spleen size.

Burning both causes toxic gases.

Feel free to use what you want but provide the info for an informed decision.
No. Please read the msds. Everyone read it.

http://www.kernred.com/kern-agcomm/products/EAGLE 20 EW.pdf

It contains naphthalene.


It contains myclobutanil.


Cannabis is used to actually clean hazardous materials from soil. Naphthalene is a petroleum product. I'm sure that there are traces of it in the final product.

The actual fungicide, myclobutanil, doesn't pose much acute risk, that's not what worries me. It the buildup over time. See like most toxic chemicals it is not the small doses that kill you, it builds up over time and kills you.

Myclobutanil can cause serious problems over time. It showed reduced pup weight along with other problems and chronic toxicity caused weight loss and reduced brain and spleen size.

Burning both causes toxic gases.

Feel free to use what you want but provide the info for an informed decision.
When burned eagle 20 turns in hydrogen cyanide, which is combustible and deadly.
@Yodaweed I'm not trying to argue man I'm telling you we did everything there and when we could use eagle we never saw pm. Then they ban it. Our master grower brought in new clones and didn't quarantine them trusting the place we got them from. They all had systemic pm. Ever since then that grow has been fucked. It's so much work to try and fix it's retarded. We did legit everything budget wasn't an issue. That shit would be everywhere from clones to juveniles to flowering adults. We would spray every 7 days. I personally would use 5 gallons for every 18 plants soaking them fully. It would be good for a week and be right back. I mean take 180 plants pulls each on aside individually and soak them top to bottom. The hyphae are still in the tissue so right when it gets a chance and strong enough pops right back.
@Yodaweed I'm not trying to argue man I'm telling you we did everything there and when we could use eagle we never saw pm. Then they ban it. Our master grower brought in new clones and didn't quarantine them trusting the place we got them from. They all had systemic pm. Ever since then that grow has been fucked. It's so much work to try and fix it's retarded. We did legit everything budget wasn't an issue. That shit would be everywhere from clones to juveniles to flowering adults. We would spray every 7 days. I personally would use 5 gallons for every 18 plants soaking them fully. It would be good for a week and be right back. I mean take 180 plants pulls each on aside individually and soak them top to bottom. The hyphae are still in the tissue so right when it gets a chance and strong enough pops right back.
Did every person wash their hands and body thoroughly each time after coming in from outside? You can have it in you and not even no, I really never heard it is systemic.
No. Please read the msds. Everyone read it.

http://www.kernred.com/kern-agcomm/products/EAGLE 20 EW.pdf

It contains naphthalene.


It contains myclobutanil.


Cannabis is used to actually clean hazardous materials from soil. Naphthalene is a petroleum product. I'm sure that there are traces of it in the final product.

The actual fungicide, myclobutanil, doesn't pose much acute risk, that's not what worries me. It the buildup over time. See like most toxic chemicals it is not the small doses that kill you, it builds up over time and kills you.

Myclobutanil can cause serious problems over time. It showed reduced pup weight along with other problems and chronic toxicity caused weight loss and reduced brain and spleen size.

Burning both causes toxic gases.

Feel free to use what you want but provide the info for an informed decision.
I get what your saying but by the time my plants are flowering the 30 day shelf life is gone and I defoliate so much I can guarantee none of the same leaves are there lol
Did every person wash their hands and body thoroughly each time after coming in from outside? You can have it in you and not even no, I really never heard it is systemic.
Yup new scrubs and cross every day. Had wash sink and everything for when we go in clean hats clean cross clean scrubs everyone wore gloves. We were stupid strict. Never got rid of it cuz once it's on the plant it goes inside of it.
I get what your saying but by the time my plants are flowering the 30 day shelf life is gone and I defoliate so much I can guarantee none of the same leaves are there lol
Dude, Half life. 30 days half is gone, another 30 days half that is gone so on and so forth. Lot longer than 30 days to rid it.

No bs. I provided the msds.
Yup new scrubs and cross every day. Had wash sink and everything for when we go in clean hats clean cross clean scrubs everyone wore gloves. We were stupid strict. Never got rid of it cuz once it's on the plant it goes inside of it.
I still don't think it's systemic but i'd like to review more sources at this time, I don't really find a lot of confidence in weed site references and since you can treat outdoor grapes that come back year after year with potassium bicarb and it works I just don't see how it can be systemic.
I still don't think it's systemic but i'd like to review more sources at this time, I don't really find a lot of confidence in weed site references and since you can treat outdoor grapes that come back year after year with potassium bicarb and it works I just don't see how it can be systemic.
Its because it's pretty much both. Spreads by spores thru the wind but once Landing on the plant becomes systemic sinking it's hyphae into the tissues to supply nutrients to bloom the fungi. Eagle is only thing that can kill it for sure. I've talked to a lot of Master growers in Denver and everyone agrees this shit is systemic. It's really shitty they gotta come out with something else systemic but they are all ban because they are all flammable as fuck lol
Yea I am located in Colorado as well Afghan King.

This is the dilemma I was facing.. I couldn't find solid research either way, whether PM was systemic or not.

I have read dozens and dozens of forum threads, and the general consensus is green cure, milk, neem, ect. it just a temporary solution because the PM is inside the plant and the spores on the leaves are just the final manifestation. Matters become complicated because there are reports from people claiming that green cure or something similar was successful, while others claim it was again, only temporary.

I did receive a clone from friends garden many years ago and after several applications of baking soda and water I never saw PM on that plant again. However with my current situation, and much larger plants, neem oil and the likes was only a temporary fix. The eagle 20 seems to have improved the situation drastically, but I am still finding a leaf here or there with PM.

As I mentioned in the original post, I did a massive defoliation and added extra air circulation to my greenhouse, but I think temp drop/humidity rising at night is the main culprit here.

Once again, back to the original question, if eagle 20 is systemic, why am I still seeing spores. The application rate recommended for similar plant species by the manufacturer is 2ml, and the general consensus from other growers is 1-2ml is more then enough to never see it again. Obviously other people have used higher amounts, but being an organic grower I was trying to keep my pesticide use minimal as it contradicts what I believe in.

I might try spraying the remaining spots with green cure, and then move on to a higher dose of eagle 20 if that doesn't work. My primary concern is I don't want the PM returning with vengeance during flower. So I would rather eradicate it permanently now then use a temporary band aid. I don't think I will be able to improve my environment much more this season.
Yea I am located in Colorado as well Afghan King.

This is the dilemma I was facing.. I couldn't find solid research either way, whether PM was systemic or not.

I have read dozens and dozens of forum threads, and the general consensus is green cure, milk, neem, ect. it just a temporary solution because the PM is inside the plant and the spores on the leaves are just the final manifestation. Matters become complicated because there are reports from people claiming that green cure or something similar was successful, while others claim it was again, only temporary.

I did receive a clone from friends garden many years ago and after several applications of baking soda and water I never saw PM on that plant again. However with my current situation, and much larger plants, neem oil and the likes was only a temporary fix. The eagle 20 seems to have improved the situation drastically, but I am still finding a leaf here or there with PM.

As I mentioned in the original post, I did a massive defoliation and added extra air circulation to my greenhouse, but I think temp drop/humidity rising at night is the main culprit here.

Once again, back to the original question, if eagle 20 is systemic, why am I still seeing spores. The application rate recommended for similar plant species by the manufacturer is 2ml, and the general consensus from other growers is 1-2ml is more then enough to never see it again. Obviously other people have used higher amounts, but being an organic grower I was trying to keep my pesticide use minimal as it contradicts what I believe in.

I might try spraying the remaining spots with green cure, and then move on to a higher dose of eagle 20 if that doesn't work. My primary concern is I don't want the PM returning with vengeance during flower. So I would rather eradicate it permanently now then use a temporary band aid. I don't think I will be able to improve my environment much more this season.
It's PM season outside just a fyi. all this rain we been getting making the spores go crazy. Summer crops in Colorado can be very difficult indoors or outdoors, I wish you both the best of luck and hope you kill the PM.
Yea I am located in Colorado as well Afghan King.

This is the dilemma I was facing.. I couldn't find solid research either way, whether PM was systemic or not.

I have read dozens and dozens of forum threads, and the general consensus is green cure, milk, neem, ect. it just a temporary solution because the PM is inside the plant and the spores on the leaves are just the final manifestation. Matters become complicated because there are reports from people claiming that green cure or something similar was successful, while others claim it was again, only temporary.

I did receive a clone from friends garden many years ago and after several applications of baking soda and water I never saw PM on that plant again. However with my current situation, and much larger plants, neem oil and the likes was only a temporary fix. The eagle 20 seems to have improved the situation drastically, but I am still finding a leaf here or there with PM.

As I mentioned in the original post, I did a massive defoliation and added extra air circulation to my greenhouse, but I think temp drop/humidity rising at night is the main culprit here.

Once again, back to the original question, if eagle 20 is systemic, why am I still seeing spores. The application rate recommended for similar plant species by the manufacturer is 2ml, and the general consensus from other growers is 1-2ml is more then enough to never see it again. Obviously other people have used higher amounts, but being an organic grower I was trying to keep my pesticide use minimal as it contradicts what I believe in.

I might try spraying the remaining spots with green cure, and then move on to a higher dose of eagle 20 if that doesn't work. My primary concern is I don't want the PM returning with vengeance during flower. So I would rather eradicate it permanently now then use a temporary band aid. I don't think I will be able to improve my environment much more this season.
Shit spray it with the green cure to wash off the spores and the eagle should take care of the rest. It'll slowly disappear because remember it's a final manifestation like u said. So eagle killing inside could take time for it to get to the spores. Like I said seen it take weeks for all to disappear but it all does eventually. Wash em off tho bet they won't come back eagle killed the hyphae its just surviving on your environment now not the plant