Room grow, led's, twelve 10 gal pots, Detroit Nutrient soil, scrog. Two large oscillating fans, temps 78-80 light / 75-78 dark. Humidity 40-50. Filter on air intake. Room is clean, preventive measures taken. In week 3 of flower.
Treating with Regalia and Lost Coast sprays - PM goes away but keeps returning. Searching for a more permanent solution.
I saw pectin mentioned in my search by Justkickinit420, as well as this article below (same guy?):
PM article
Apparently L-amino acids combined with calcium results in plant produced pectin, which prevents PM from taking hold. Has anyone else here tried this in soil? How is it applied?
Treating with Regalia and Lost Coast sprays - PM goes away but keeps returning. Searching for a more permanent solution.
I saw pectin mentioned in my search by Justkickinit420, as well as this article below (same guy?):
PM article
Apparently L-amino acids combined with calcium results in plant produced pectin, which prevents PM from taking hold. Has anyone else here tried this in soil? How is it applied?