Powdery Mildew Anihilation!


Well-Known Member
So haven't been spraying FUCKKKK!!!!! Lazy shit! And so now I got hit with PM!!!!

How should I combat this?! I'm spraying RIGHT NOW.

But should I remove the plants infected?!? Or can I leave them?

Thanks so much everyone! Also the ones that are hit have lots of yellow spotting on leaves!


Well-Known Member
spray them with an AACT
or spray them with a horsetail ferment
or a citrus based spray like "clean leaf"
Some strains are more prone to PM than others, like kush's...
every kush I've ever done has gotten PM, even if others don't
that's one of the many reasons I prefer sativa's and heavy sativa hybrids


Well-Known Member
spray them with an AACT
or spray them with a horsetail ferment
or a citrus based spray like "clean leaf"
Some strains are more prone to PM than others, like kush's...
every kush I've ever done has gotten PM, even if others don't
that's one of the many reasons I prefer sativa's and heavy sativa hybrids
Ohhhh nice! Had no idea heavy Indicas were so susceptible. Thanks for the quick response... Just finished spraying with what I had been spraying with Great Reaults just hadn't in a month! I use Powder Aloe, Rich Earth Humate liquid, Braggs ACV, and Bronners Peppermint Hemp soap.

They just needed a good bath...!

So you think they're fine to let them finish? Probably had a couple more weeks... Those were Indicas that were taking Longer than this Really tall Sativa from GGGs Diamonds&Dust that like you said didn't get touched really by the PM. It looks and smells amazing!!! Took an extra month or two than what I would like... But All Good things come in time, and I much prefer Quality. And if it's resistant to PM then I'm definitely going to try and get some more sativas... I prefer Trippy head highs anyways I don't like to Not think;)!


Well-Known Member
Ohhhh nice! Had no idea heavy Indicas were so susceptible. Thanks for the quick response... Just finished spraying with what I had been spraying with Great Reaults just hadn't in a month! I use Powder Aloe, Rich Earth Humate liquid, Braggs ACV, and Bronners Peppermint Hemp soap.

They just needed a good bath...!

So you think they're fine to let them finish? Probably had a couple more weeks... Those were Indicas that were taking Longer than this Really tall Sativa from GGGs Diamonds&Dust that like you said didn't get touched really by the PM. It looks and smells amazing!!! Took an extra month or two than what I would like... But All Good things come in time, and I much prefer Quality. And if it's resistant to PM then I'm definitely going to try and get some more sativas... I prefer Trippy head highs anyways I don't like to Not think;)!
uhh... well shit.. if they were only a couple weeks from finishing you probably shouldn't spray anything at all...
you left that part out it would seem...
get some fans in there pronto..
And it's not really that indicas are more susceptible, it's just that they tend to be more dense, which leads to it.
Kush's are the ones that are prone to PM, at least the 6 or 7 different types I've grown
also keep in mind PM looks like it's gone when it's wet...
So don't be fooled man


Active Member
Spider mites....eesh. I would go with Big Time Exterminator especially since your in flower. Use a clean paint sprayer to apply set at the lowest pressure setting...and BE CAREFUL. then spray down the room the same way. Check out this video:
https://www.instagram.com/p/8gHxQ9gRNtspray the buds at a far distance so its a heavy misting, hit the stems at cliser proximity. BTE IS organic and safe to spray in flower. Call jeremy silva at build a soil, he usually has it in stock and will ship ASAP. Also ferment some garlic+peppers+grapes in LABS for future use in situations like these.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry man... I jUst laughed super loud as hell.
Um how did you confuse the two?
Annnnd are you SURE?
Hahaha well I'm glad I can entertain you! It's what I do everyone always gets a laugh at me... It's my contribution to the world I guess... Haha but hahaha that cracks me up what you said. But i was reading about yellow spots and someone said it was spider mites but then I looked at the buds up close and saw all these cob webs... And my dumb ass just assumed the cob webs were PM and Not SM! Haha so then looked online and tons of pictures of cob webbed buds made me see the Truth!


Well-Known Member
Spider mites....eesh. I would go with Big Time Exterminator especially since your in flower. Use a clean paint sprayer to apply set at the lowest pressure setting...and BE CAREFUL. then spray down the room the same way. Check out this video:
https://www.instagram.com/p/8gHxQ9gRNtspray the buds at a far distance so its a heavy misting, hit the stems at cliser proximity. BTE IS organic and safe to spray in flower. Call jeremy silva at build a soil, he usually has it in stock and will ship ASAP. Also ferment some garlic+peppers+grapes in LABS for future use in situations like these.
Awesome hell yeah thanks my brother! LABS?! Sorry...! But I'm going to start fermenting those now and call build a soil now as well! Thanks so much for real!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha well I'm glad I can entertain you! It's what I do everyone always gets a laugh at me... It's my contribution to the world I guess... Haha but hahaha that cracks me up what you said. But i was reading about yellow spots and someone said it was spider mites but then I looked at the buds up close and saw all these cob webs... And my dumb ass just assumed the cob webs were PM and Not SM! Haha so then looked online and tons of pictures of cob webbed buds made me see the Truth!
well... if they are 2 weeks away?
I'd pull them.


Well-Known Member
Awesome hell yeah thanks my brother! LABS?! Sorry...! But I'm going to start fermenting those now and call build a soil now as well! Thanks so much for real!
Just pull em man.
you'll be sorry if you don't
Nothing you can use right now that will work.
You can try, but more than likely you'll end up with webby herb, with a bunch of dead mites on the nugs, and it'll taste like shit.
Don't ask me how I know....


Well-Known Member
Also do a wash when you finally chop.
Wait so should I just leave the two? Go buy the BTE and use the ferment recipe?

And Then wash and HydroPeroxide and wash again?!

It's just two and I'd rather get rid of this for Good. BUT if I Can save them that would be nice.!?

Thanks you two for such quick reply! I need that so I can get this shit done... Time just keeps slippin


Well-Known Member
I'm going through the leaves underside and rubbing of the mites... They aren't moving after I've sprayed; though I didn't realize to check before.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm just chunking these two plants I think... Leave the others and just start spraying almost daily... Buy some ladybugs...