Powdery Mildew at Harvest


Well-Known Member
Hey there everyone, I just chopped a girl I had budding for a while now.

Heres some background info -

Unknown Strain
Grown Outdoors
Cloned from Mother in veg room
Budding for at least 8 weeks

So as with almost all of the plants I grown here on Maui, HI got a problem with the Powdery mildew. The white fluffly specs and clusters found on fan leaves and bud leaves and caused from humidity, moisture and usually found on shaded areas.

Now im not talking about Bud rot or mold. I've my share of experiences with that and hate it so much and its definately not mold. I have controlled the PM with various methods researched here on Rollitup. Methods such as spraying the plant with milk/baking soda mix, SAFER brand Insect soap. I have yet to try any fungicides but have heard that they work as well.

I was not able to stay on top of the PM situation on my girls due to their remote location and not being able to tend to them more then once a week. So I am left with a harvest girl that has various spots through the plant with PM.

The question im asking is how should I go about drying and harvesting this girl with the PM?

I am trying to Water cure a few of the buds to see if the water will wash the leaves and remove the PM while in the jar.

Will regular air dry then putting the buds in jars work as well? I just dont want to be smoking any buds with the PM on it.

Any help would be great. :bigjoint:


Active Member
No matter what you do there will be spore contamination. Water curing may reduce the amount, or it may provided need moisture to continue to grow.