Powdery Mildew BACK AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Understanding that PM is a systemic mold, the best way to go about treating and preventing PM is by battling it within the plant itself.
There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that PM is systemic. That is a false hood. Its no more systemic than jungle rot on your feet.


Well-Known Member
Dude seranade makes your smoke taste like serenade,under no circumstances should you use that shit.I tried zero tolorence from Ed Rosenthal and its bullshit.A sulfer burner done right is the only way to keep it at bay.I paid allmost 200 bucks for mine.I burn once dureing veg and two or 3 weeks into flower and it never comes back.Dont burn anywhere close to the end of flower,you will ruin your whole crop
where did i recommend spraying serenade?


New Member
and if im growing inside. if i dip my plants in H202 how will i dry them? without the source of the sun?
The light doesn't dry ur plants, the wind does. Think before u ask a question. That one was funny!!! Hire the handicap they are fun to watch. This will offend somebody, but who cares at this point. Look, PM is systemic, u have to feed ur plant an anti fungal spray that u buy at any grow store. It can only be applied during vegg. U got ur Burner, I have a burner too. I live in a place were the humidity is 95% 9 months out of the year. Spraying any stick substance(Neem) on ur plant during flower will cause ur calyx to stop growing. Look, if I spray, I carfully spray lower leaves with H2O2. Use ur burner 2 days in a row. Give it a rest for a day, then one more shot. Then do it once a week till ur 2 weeks away from Harvest. This allows the sulpher to dissipate.


New Member
and if im growing inside. if i dip my plants in H202 how will i dry them? without the source of the sun?
So do u leave the light on in ur clothes dryer. Wind and heat cause evaporation faster than light. Brother, public schools were not friendly to u. Unsubscribe


Active Member
So do u leave the light on in ur clothes dryer. Wind and heat cause evaporation faster than light. Brother, public schools were not friendly to u. Unsubscribe
Ahhhh man c'mon I got it the first time Richard! Stoned N thinking too hard!!!!
i have seen just 6 leaves out of 12 plants that had itty bitty traces! unfortunate i did spray with neem last week (beggining of week 4) hope ii didnt totally rock my plants cause they are look amazing! i did run my burner today for 3 hours but i will run it again tomorrow and then once a week untill ...7?! i added 1 extra box fan and two little ocilating fans and have been on the temp like it was my bitch! nevers go less than 71 or more that 79 with lights on! humidity is 45 sometimes less.