Powdery Mildew doesn't disappeart with pottasium bicarbonate or pottasium carbonate


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I had a mild mildew spreading on the lower parts of my 10week flowering plants. I got some pottasium bicarbonate and mixed that into water (2-3tbsp to one pint of water) added a few drops of liquid soap, and one small measure of milk as was suggested online. Not only it hasn't helped but it looks like it spread now.. how is this possible? i live in the uk so there isnt high humidity in the room either. temps are between 26-29celius.

my main question really is that if the mildew spread on some buds just mildly. can i crop them, dry them and cure them and smoke them? will the mildew spread even more during the drying and curing process or will it stop where it is?

any more cures for it im all ears but the only solution i see right now is to chew up my losses, throw them all away and clean the fck out of the grow room with bleach to make sure its all dead.


Rebel From The North
I would remove the moldy stuff and dry it in very low humidity to provent spread, as for the moldy stuff make hash out of it.
To further stop future pm issue look into a sulpher burner


Well-Known Member
anyone in this forum have real experience with powdery mildew?!?!?

i'm not looking for people who can type it into google and then tell me what they read... i want to know if someone who had it spread around his plants mildly to mid level. did you dry your bud? does the mildew spread while its dried if say it was in a jar or does it simply die with the plant when its dried up?


Rebel From The North
No it will not spread once dryed! But it will during the drying process! That why you will have to dry with low! Hum
And keep temps in the upper 60s you can use all kinds of pm wash products but ive found un pasterized milk works
Best. The win all is a sulpher burner


Can anyone else chime in on this remedies?
It would be ideal to find something non toxic or chemical that really works!


Well-Known Member
i can tell you for a fact that the milk option and potassium bicarbonate are useless!!!

they might work for very mild infestations but as soon as it spreads you got no chance my friend. i've sprayed one week apart covering the plants and buds completely. week later problem worstened. so i started spraying every 2 days, now the bud hairs look black as fck and the leaves are burned because of overspraying but the mold is still there and living it up more and more every day. i'm also in a very low humidity environment so this shit beats me really. cant figure it out.


Well-Known Member
why are children constantly allowed to use this forum? retards like you that give this place a bag rep of a forum of clueless growers! go play with toys if you haven't got any real experience and input


Rebel From The North
man I think its the way you come across maybe its not intended that way but it seems that way, im trying to help and thats what ive done.
only other thing is to try brewing tes to solve it il post a link for yah


Well-Known Member
nice one mate for those links. i don't think i was rude in any way, all i said was that milk and potassium bicarbonate dont work. there's far too many people on this forum that give out false information and pretend to be experienced growers when infact they are a bunch of teenagers hiding plants from their parents.. so thanks for that proper infromation ill give that a go..


Well-Known Member
no worries mate. ive been looking for serenade for a while now but cant find it in the uk apart for paying 35 quid to get it from the states via ebay... think im just gonna see this grow out then bomb the fck out my grow space with bleach to kill everything


New Member
dilute h2o2 hydrogen peroxide 3% dilute it then dip da budz innit it will go away then dry


Well-Known Member
just got a bottle of h2o2

it says its 'solution 6%' - 20 vols...

does this sound like the right strenght to dilute 3% in water?


Well-Known Member
thanks porridge thats very sound advice... now i get why spraying the shit out of them only made things worst!!! :( 6 years of growin in the same space and this is the first time its happened, i have no idea how but these spores are obviously spreading like mad. i've got one week left on my grow so i guess like you said the best i can do is just chop off any infected bud and quick dry the rest...

in order to clean the room for future grows would you use bleach or do you reckon theres something better?


Well-Known Member
thanks porridge thats very sound advice... now i get why spraying the shit out of them only made things worst!!! :( 6 years of growin in the same space and this is the first time its happened, i have no idea how but these spores are obviously spreading like mad. i've got one week left on my grow so i guess like you said the best i can do is just chop off any infected bud and quick dry the rest...

in order to clean the room for future grows would you use bleach or do you reckon theres something better?