Powdery mildew questions...need help.!!


Well-Known Member
Ok while fixing my nute burn and trimming today I noticed I have PM.

Not a bad case I think...

Here's the deal I think I've had it for awhile...at first I thought is was just ashes ( Smoking room is the Green room....Ball and Chains orders!)

I first noticed it about 2 months ago..and it was just here and there...and more recently where leaves were growing right on top of each other...move a leaf and there would be an exact outline of the leaf in PM on the one below.
At first I though the white stuff was sign of the wear and tear from the leaves rubbing against each other...

I trimmed all the leaves off that had a hint of PM...and a few that didn't...darn Tri-chomes. ( so no pics...sorry)

Thinned out the bottom and middle...aimed the fan at the plant more...made sure it has plenty of airflow around and through the plant.

It doesn't look anything like the pictures I've seen of people with PM on their cannabis plants...it's just a blotch here and there.

There is no sign of PM on the stems or buds...I hope...!!! ( hard to tell with all them sugary tri-chomes )

Plant is still 1 month from harvest though...

If I have had PM for so long...wouldn't my whole plant be covered by now ?

I mean there was not one single leaf that had it really bad....just a splotch here and there...nothing like they show in pictures.

Plant is kept at between 70 and 80...humidity I don't know..it's rainy season in Colorado.

I do know that if looked anything like the pics I've seen of plants with PM..I would toss it. Those are just gross...imagine smoking that stuff...ughh..

It is PM because you can wipe it off with your finger.

Was going to try and treat it with baking soda or high alkaline water....if it comes back.

My corner store carries high alkaline water.....8.5...

Sorry no pics....but do you think I can make it to harvest...? Doesn't water harm the buds? Bud rot?

Ok ok...I'll post a pic later...see if I can find another leaf or sign of it ( The PM )

Some of it could be still ashes though as there is no fixed path of it....some of leaves were towards the bottom..others mid and some top ( under full light)....some on one side a few on another...no rhythm or reason to its growth.

Be back with pics....

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
It's hard to deal with, many people will tell you to start over.

Many people will say to just stay on top of it.

The truth is you will always have it until you clear your room out
and start over with new genetics. Any clones from the same plant
or which have been exposed to the plant for a period of time will also have

You can imagine PM as Herpes for plants. Gotta protect yourself cuz once you get
it you're screwed! It is systemic, which means it inbeds itself in the cells of the plant
Once you have it, certain environmental conditions will allow it to show itself. But if you
stay protected no conditions will just "cause it" your plant has to contract it first. The
mildew itself literally lives in the leaf. The powder you see is the spores of the fungus
ready to be moved by wind to the next victim!

I had huge issues in my last grow but have negated it completely
in this grow, here are several differences I made which I believe
played a part in my removal.

1. Bleached the tent, hoods, fans, pots, etc.

2.Feed Azamax as a regular additive once a week at about 1-3 mL
per gallon as the plants grow, until about the 2nd-3rd week of Flowering.
Azamax is a systemic fungacide/pesticide, which means it is already in the cells
before the PM has a chance.

3.Consistent, strict foliar spray once a week consisting of Ed Rosenthol's Herbal
Fungacide, Einstein's Neem Oil, and a personal product which helps raise the pH.
Mildew's can't stand high pH environments. Prevention is the key to success.
im responding to this old thread to share my expirience.. i first got powdery mildew last run with my growbox... i had a poor ventilation contraption.. a fan that wasnt totally sealed that i put together. i was losing a lot of air from the leaks.. so it just wanst exhaust fast enough.. they do say.. its good to have an exhaust more powerful then ur intake or definetley just as powerfull IMO but no less powerfull then the intake.. u dont want the air getting pushed around and not exhausted that will just send the spores everywhere..

i got powdery in veg... i wiped it off and it didnt come back for a few weeks then i wiped it again.. it was only one little spot that seemed to take a long time to come back so i figured ah its no problem... well mid flower it became a big problem.. my fan leaves and then even sugar leaves started getting bits of PM on them. I wiped it off with a Q tip very thouroughly for like several days and there would be more eventually.. as the buds got bigger the humidity rose. and the PM started spreading faster. well my buds didnt have any on them.. i undersatnd PM is usually on the leaves.. I ended up harvesting about . a week early or so..which sucked.. and i clipped all the sugar leaves off with powdery mildew .I harvested dried.. yea that weed sucked anyways cause of the bad ventilation,.. vent is just as important as light ive come to learn.. anyways,, i trimmed off a fair amount of PM that was really close to the buds.. but i was so fucking pissed cause those plants were looking so good.. i smoked a bunch of that pot.. it didnt hurt me as far as i know but I wouldnt smoke buds like that again..no visible PM on them but yea..,.so i did butane hash most of that weed.. it was good hash stayed stoned on it for a few weeks got like. 3 or 4 grams worth of quality butane hash off 2 small plants so folks if ur plants are fucked ide suggets butane hashing them some people reccomend to not even do that but.. whatever its ur choice..definetely dont just dry and smoke a bud that is covered in PM.. (for that grow i was using azamax most of the way thruogh i think maybe not every single week oops./ but IMO if ur vent is awefull and its way to humid azamax wont save u... azamax however is workingt fuckin great for me for spidermites right now its knocking the shit out of any that try to bread on my plant. back to the PM.. . so this grow i got my vent changed all around mounted my exhaust directly into the cabinet. added 2 circulation fans.. its like 4X better vent now.... I am about 2 weeks away from a nice full flowering. of what will be about 8 weeks total and i just now today noticed a tiny bit of PM on the sugar leaf right next to one of the nicest colas.. i was upset.. but i checked the plant over and it was just that one tiny spot.. so i wiped it off with a Q tip yet again..I figure this late into flower the PM dosnt really have a chance to just take off and errupt.. nore the mites.... I dont really wanna soil drench with anymore azamax lol im about to start flushing in like 2 days... same with spidermites i figure if theres only like 5 -10 spidermites alive on ur plant on harvest its fuckin fine.. theres gotta be like atleast 40 or 50 mites on ur plant to start making it gross...furthermore if I get an unexpected bad outbreak of PM in the next week. or the spidermites start speeding up and i see a bunch all the sudden.. Ill be spraying my plant yes 1 week away from flower with azamax cause thats better then having an infested plant..wish me luck guys.. oh btw it seems that powdery mildew really loves (definetely a humid enviroment) but also cold.. the nights just got a little cooler.. i mean not that cold.. but wow.. my house is probably like 55-60 degrees at nnight with the door open here in september. and i have a feeling just the little drop in temp caused the pm to thrive... i could be wrong but...... if i was any less then 2 weeks away from flowering i would go get something especially for PM and hose my plant right the fuck down.. and honetsly I may still do that if i can find some money to do so
Or you could just mist the plant with a weak milk solution and get rid of the pm.
does milk actally kill the mildew inside or just the layer on the leaf.. because.. i know the PM will come back with in the next 2 weeks really bad.. its only gonna get worse as the buds get more dense. I have a feeling the milk just zaps the mildew on the leaf surface right. ok ill be checkin to hear from u


Since this thread has been resurrected... I have PM on a few crepe myrtle outside my home. Is it the same PM, and do I need to worry about it making its way into my grow room?