Biological Graffity
Active Member
Let me clarify this, I need advise from people who have dealt with this problem,not from guys who still trying to flower a plant, and finding the best solution to the problem at hand is the best possible way to spend the next 12hrs...FOR THE BENIFfIT of all the people on this forum (including you badger) we are runing an experiment of 2 trial cure batches tonight, 2 branches will be given a hydrogen peroxide and dryed off by the wood stove, other 2 branches will be dryed off by the wood stove, I have not found any mildew on buds, so after drying they will be cut appart and test smoked to ensure no contamination occured...Has anyone on here had BUDS attacked by powdery mildew? What are the signs and simptoms?Great job at pointing out that I didn't know about the hydrogen bath. If you read my whole post you could have saved yourself some time and saw that I already stated that I didn't know about it and that it "sounded" silly to me.
Other than that it's all viable information. If you think I was "bitching" at the guy then you should toughen up a bit fella. Because you have a post count of 300 and whatever and you have posted pics doesn't mean jack. What's wrong with my thread and only having one started? Find a better way to spend your time.