Power Inverters


Well-Known Member
I am posting this t0 find out what people think and wondering if it would work. As we all have to suffer the good damn electric companys rath of high as prices I might of thought of a way to redude the cost of eletric bill.
I want to buy a 12v inverter that will turn the power into 120v with usable 1000w with 2000w surge (start up)
You buy or have kicking around your house a 12v dc adaptor. I don't mean a cheesey one either a good solid one. Plug it into you regular 120v power. Now the converter is already droping the voltage down to 12v wire the 12v converter into the inverter (Just like you would do in for say 120v in your car.) now the inverter that you just wired into pushes out 120v with 1000w of juice. So now your running on your own power and lowering your wattage. Your only paying for power from the original 12v converter.
It must work. Ok I leave this to you...

Red Bull

Active Member
where are the brains (electricians) at? very interesting thought. my bill is 4-500 a month. love the thought


Well-Known Member
I did about 7 years as an apprentice. I really think this would work. I just don't know to much about the inverters. What r u running for lights and what not?

Red Bull

Active Member
1000w hps. this is going to be my first grow. reason bill is so high is i live in a 7 bedroom,2 story house and the company i get it from buy there power from another company.


Well-Known Member
you can buy a 2000w inverter for 160.00 bucks that will give you 2000w with a 4000w surge start up protection. How much do you think you would save a month running that thing 18/6 for 30 days then 12/12 for another 2 months?

Red Bull

Active Member
you can buy a 2000w inverter for 160.00 bucks that will give you 2000w with a 4000w surge start up protection. How much do you think you would save a month running that thing 18/6 for 30 days then 12/12 for another 2 months?
don't know????? but i'm willing to learn how much, but first need to learn more about how everything is set up. this could be mebongsmilie this could be the elect co kiss-ass i need knowledge i need knowledge


Well-Known Member
I am posting this t0 find out what people think and wondering if it would work. As we all have to suffer the good damn electric companys rath of high as prices I might of thought of a way to redude the cost of eletric bill.
I want to buy a 12v inverter that will turn the power into 120v with usable 1000w with 2000w surge (start up)
You buy or have kicking around your house a 12v dc adaptor. I don't mean a cheesey one either a good solid one. Plug it into you regular 120v power. Now the converter is already droping the voltage down to 12v wire the 12v converter into the inverter (Just like you would do in for say 120v in your car.) now the inverter that you just wired into pushes out 120v with 1000w of juice. So now your running on your own power and lowering your wattage. Your only paying for power from the original 12v converter.
It must work. Ok I leave this to you...
No, it won't work. First, you can't "create" power. Going from 110v AC to 12v DC back to 110v AC will cost you energy. And your lights will still draw 1000watts (or whatever wattage they are) ....

It looks like this (wall) 110v 9amps -> (to DC) 12v 83amps -> (inverter) 110v 9amps -> (lights) 1000watts.

That 83amps on the 12v leg is what makes it a deal breaker in the terms of doablity... but you wouldn't want to anyway...



Well-Known Member
/\ bingo ... the best you could hope for would be to spend the same amount ... but that would only hapen if the inverter was 100% effiecent .. which its not and is more like 70%


Well-Known Member
/\ bingo ... the best you could hope for would be to spend the same amount ... but that would only hapen if the inverter was 100% effiecent .. which its not and is more like 70%
I don't think you could get a inverter that could pull a 1000 watts anyway. But it would be a way to run your lights off a deep cycle 12v battery if you lost power... but you probably couldn't do 1000watts. And even if you could, your battery wouldn't last very long...

My LED totes run on 13.8v DC, but will also run on the 12+v's of a deep cycle battery, but they only pull 25/30 watts each. I've actually got an inverter that I use for the UMPC's AC adapter that controls my lights and pumps, so I can put my totes in my van when I need to have my place accessible to maintenance people.



Well-Known Member
I don't think you could get a inverter that could pull a 1000 watts anyway. But it would be a way to run your lights off a deep cycle 12v battery if you lost power... but you probably couldn't do 1000watts. And even if you could, your battery wouldn't last very long...

My LED totes run on 13.8v DC, but will also run on the 12+v's of a deep cycle battery, but they only pull 25/30 watts each. I've actually got an inverter that I use for the UMPC's AC adapter that controls my lights and pumps, so I can put my totes in my van when I need to have my place accessible to maintenance people.


thats cool loki, you got leds so its very easy to power ur shit with a battery ... but inverters come in all sizes ... hers a 2000watt ....
2000W Power Inverter by Vector - DonRowe.com


Well-Known Member
thats cool loki, you got leds so its very easy to power ur shit with a battery ... but inverters come in all sizes ... hers a 2000watt ....
2000W Power Inverter by Vector - DonRowe.com
Damn, $220... I like this part "(2 cable sets are required for this inverter)" lol... I'll bet... and I bet they get warm!

I guess you could actually do it... heh, I'll stick with my way. Its nice because how portable can you get? I mean its a friggin tote! handles built right in, lol... My first hydro HPS grow got interupted twice and that was such a pain... Tearing down everything, lights, mylar, venting, floodtable, res, etc... and then rebuilding it... uugh...



Well-Known Member
I was looking at the transformer I thought was dc was actually 12v ac thats not gonna work. but, I don't give up that easy I will research this till I find away. Look what I found Now I just have to figure away to get a decent wire setup. This is a converter that goes 120ac to 12v dc There is no way this thing is draws 83 amps.

Now that inverter that you guys showed will pump out 2000w I saw one alittle diffrent but the same with 100% effeciency rating. even if it only ran at 70% thats 1400watts. now if you want to power a 400watt hps thats only a third of the 70% and a 400w off 120v only draws 3.3 amps. So tell me now it can't be done. Nothing is impossible.


Well-Known Member
i think everything is going over ur head here ...
you want to take 110ac ... convert it to 12vdc .. and then back to 110ac .. correct ?


Well-Known Member
Yes that whats Im saying. from the outlet 120v to the transformer or adaptor to the converter which takes 12dv power and pumps out 2000watts of power ac power to power your lights.


Well-Known Member
let me put it in stoner terms for you... your 110 outlet grows the weed
your buddy(power inverter) says hey im goin by 110's house to pick up some stuff .. you want any ? .. you say sure and hand him some money

your buddy(inverter) gets the stuff and says damn i need to smoke a joint... ill take a little out of my bag and some out of koolhands and get FuKd up ! ..im not takn that much he will never know !

so he hands you your bag and your happy to smoke it... but you would be smokin more if you just went to the dealer and bought it your self.

you do the set up as you've stated .. youll continue giving $ to ur friend get u weed and hell continue smoking it for you !


Well-Known Member
It all matters on how much wattage the inverter draws compared to how much the lights draw if it's cheeper to go through the inverter then your saving. how much is the question.