Power Outage


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone, last night we had a big storm that knocked some power lines down and I've had no power since 10 pm. My plants are in flower and I already missed their light cycle. I run the lights for 2am - 2 pm. Unfortunately the power might not be on until tomorrow and there's a chance it might not be corrected then either. Will the complete darkness for a couple of days ruin these plants or stress them out too much. I'm hoping they fix it asap but by the looks of it, this might be a while. I also was supposed to water today, if the power is not on tomorrow should I go ahead and water when then lights are off. All advice is welcome and greatly appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
i would put them near a window or outside if you can for their light on, some light is better than no light. Esp since your in flower you might stress them sitting in complete dark.


Well-Known Member
That's thing I can't really move them, all of therm have been trellised. Also very heavy lifting and and were still experiencing bad weather for them to be outside.


Well-Known Member
Yes just leave them alone in the dark. I have had power outages before, and actually just last week I had a ballast go out. It is much better for the plants to just sit in the dark then to screw with the light cycles. Sitting in the dark is just like having some stormy days in nature and not getting any real sun. Trust me I understand how stressed out you prolly are about it though. When my ballast went out last week I was too. It was 2 days before I could get a new one and the plants actually seemed super happy after I got it all fixed up. They might have stretched a tiny bit but over all I have noticed zero bad effects from it.


Well-Known Member
Yep tc is right. Leave them in the dark and don't fuck with them. Once the power comes back on they will be fine. Don't water or anything just let them rest.

A few days of complete darkness in the middle of a cycle is better then extra light in your cycle or light for a bit and then no light, stresses them out more. Sit back smoke a bowl and wait for the power to come back. :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks every one, the power is still out but when I looked at them they all looked very well. I did however give them a little water because the soil was bone dry. It's looking tonight the power might be on but we're still having poopy weather and also it's going to get cold for the next few days as well. The other good thing is that they're not even a week into flower so I guess it's better now then late in flower.


Well-Known Member
You're better to wait it out, don't change their schedule, likely won't do anything, no use stressing over it. I keep a shop light with 2xF32W T8 48" fluorescent lights in my flower room as a backup, they can run on a 3000 Kva UPS for about 1 1/2 hours (most outages are short duration) but any longer than that and you'd have to spend a fortune trying to keep the lights on...


Well-Known Member
What's the longest they can without light you think. Right now it has been two consecutive light cycles going on three if they don't it get back on by 2!


Active Member
Screwing with their light cycle will also give you a greater chance of turning them into hermies. So like suggested just let em be for now.

Eye of Horus

Well-Known Member
My power went out for 2 days once and I just left the plants, they don't drink while they are asleep. (IDK if its scientific or not but in my experience if they go to bed wet they wake up wet) I had no herms that run and the girls were nice and healthy when the lights came back on. You will be alright!