powhitetrash Grow


Well-Known Member
Replies Welcome as I'll be updating this one post. Just keep in mind, this is a powhitetrash grow... I know there are better ways to do things, I'm just showing how I'm doing it. Might work, might not. We'll see.

:joint: Thought I'd start a powhitetrash Journal about my first grow. I want people to see what can be accomplished with a little imagination and VERY little money.

I bought some timers and hydro equipment when I got my tax return but didn't get everything I needed because I ran out of money too quickly. So I have to save that stuff for another time, but I am making use of the timers which were about $6-$9 each.

We (my son and I) started with a 4' florescent light with one white light and one blue light (read that's what I was supposed to use somewhere and it seems to be working). Our grow is in a closet. We didn't do anything fancy because we simply couldn't afford to. Just a closet with a curtain, no fancy exhaust or anything, just a fan to help build stem strength. We Used the reservoir
tubs to set our seedlings on.

My other son had given us a plant that would hopefully become our mother plant but since we didn't know if it would be a female or not, we also started some plant from seed.

Our plant was planted on May 25th and it was doing quite well when we brought it home (6 hour drive). July 5th we took our first clones and only one of our seedlings is still with us.

Between the time we took our cuttings for our first clones, and the time we took our next cuttings two weeks later, we knew for sure our mother plant was a female. Wahoo!

This is our mother plant before any clippings were taken.

Nice fat leaves huh?

After the second batch of clones were taken, here's what the mother plant looked like:

Someone told me my mother would die but I didn't believe him. And only a week later, here's proof that he was wrong:

You can clearly see new growth.

Here is a shot of our clones:

Just yesterday I built a very small flowering room. We took the two biggest clones (even though if we had a bigger flowering room we would have let them get larger before flowering) and they are now on their first flowering light cycle. Here's my flowering "room" hidden from view:

Here's the inside, lined with simple printer paper (bright white in color, but I just had it laying around).

Note: electrical tape doesn't stick well to paper so skip covering seams in an attempt to be fancy. lol

And here are the two girls I've selected to flower first. I realize they are small, were only cloned a month ago, but my grow room is very small and I don't have a lot of room for them to get too tall. I read somewhere about a guy who flowers his clones only a week after taking cuttings so I figure I'll still get a little bud. Hoping for the best.

And this powhitetrash is so po that I can't even afford two drip pans so I'm using an empty coffee can that I used to store my wheat gluten flower in. lol

Stay tuned for mo powhitetrashomie news.

Update 8/3/08, 3:27 p.m.

The girls are doing great on their first day in the flowering room. I swear they have grown just since the light came on this morning. So I measured them and well be able to tell for sure in a few days if they are really growing that fast. The one on the left (my plants are so far unnamed) is 6" tall and the one on the right is 4 1/2" tall. I moved them a little closer to the light and put a couple of wet wash rags over the sides of the pots for more humidity. There's been a nice increase in humidity already and leaving the door up and the reflective flap down (a white kitchen garbage bag) is helping to let out some of the heat.

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Well-Known Member
I was hoping to keep all my updates under the first post. :-| I can't find any link that will allow me to edit the first post. If anyone knows, please advise.

Anyway, the girls did well their second day under the flowering light. The leaves seem to be reaching up for the light. Don't know if that's normal or not, since this is my first grow. Do I maybe need to move them closer still to the light?



Well-Known Member
I was hoping to keep all my updates under the first post. :-| I can't find any link that will allow me to edit the first post. If anyone knows, please advise.

Anyway, the girls did well their second day under the flowering light. The leaves seem to be reaching up for the light. Don't know if that's normal or not, since this is my first grow. Do I maybe need to move them closer still to the light?

No, its quite normal, looks fine to me.:joint:


Well-Known Member
The girls seem to have a bit of Nitrogen deficiency right now. Not just the flowering girls but the latest batch of clones as well. Slow growth, yellowing leaves and the clones are not getting roots nearly as quickly as the first ones did. So I hopped up some water and gave them a healthy dose today. Hoping they snap out of it. The mother plant still looks beautifully healthy, recovering beautifully since the last cuttings were taken. Hoping everything will be okay. If they are not starting to look better by tomorrow, I'm going to the store to find something that will zap some life into them. Open to suggestions for how to do this on my powhitetrash budget.



Well-Known Member
The girls seem to have a bit of Nitrogen deficiency right now. Not just the flowering girls but the latest batch of clones as well. Slow growth, yellowing leaves and the clones are not getting roots nearly as quickly as the first ones did. So I hopped up some water and gave them a healthy dose today. Hoping they snap out of it. The mother plant still looks beautifully healthy, recovering beautifully since the last cuttings were taken. Hoping everything will be okay. If they are not starting to look better by tomorrow, I'm going to the store to find something that will zap some life into them. Open to suggestions for how to do this on my powhitetrash budget.

take your clones and cut half of each leaf blade off....make em look like mine in the pic and your transpiration rate will slow down...they will perk right up...also...keep them out of direct light still and make sure that soil is wet....misting never hurt a clone either. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
take your clones and cut half of each leaf blade off....make em look like mine in the pic and your transpiration rate will slow down...they will perk right up...also...keep them out of direct light still and make sure that soil is wet....misting never hurt a clone either. :mrgreen:
I always wondered why people cut the leaves like that. I'm not much of a reader (even though I've written a lot for publication), so I do a lot of looking at pictures of what other people are doing and reading as minimally as I can. (I watch a lot of videos too, my favorite are the Mr. Green videos.) Anyway, I've seen the leaf trimming but just didn't know what it was supposed to accomplish. My son is in the vegetative room now snipping the leaves.

Also, tomorrow I'm repotting the two I have in the flowering room, the mother plant and all of the clones. I've determined it's not so much a lack of Nitrogen as it is a lack of decent potting soil. (I usually buy the dirt cheap {no pun intended} stuff and it's just not cutting it.) I went out today and got some really good mushroom compost and mixed it 2-1 with that miserable soil I had and added about a 1/4 part pearlite to hold help with air and moisture. I repotted three plants I still have in the veg room, one a Sativa we planted from seed (not sure if it's male or female yet) and two clones from the first batch of clones. (Acutally they were throwaway clippings from the first clones and I just decided to see if they would do anything rather than just throwing them away. My son says they look "gimpy" and he keeps trying to get me to toss them but I can't stand to see anything go to waste.) Anyway, I also added a few small stones in the bottom of the pots of the ones I transplanted for better drainage. When they were all snug in their new soil/pots, I watered them with a mix of some Fox Farm Big Bloom (one cap full to a 1/2 gal) and 14 drops of Schultz 10-15-10 plant food. Can't wait to repot all the others tomorrow. I think we'll see quite an improvement inside of a week.

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Well-Known Member

The girls have been transplanted into the new soil mix. This time I also added a little bit of vermiculite. When I watered each 1/2 gal pot afterward, I put 2 cups of the water fertilizer mix and none of it ran through. The soil mix held onto all the water. The temperature/humidity is now hovering around 78/41% during the day but we're having to leave the door open so there is no reflection on one side, except from my white bedspread about two feet from the box.

Will be transplanting mother plant and the most recent batch of clones later today when the light in the veg room comes back on. The plants I transplanted last night are looking very good this morning.

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Well-Known Member

The girls have been transplanted into the new soil mix. This time I also added a little bit of vermiculite. When I watered each 1/2 gal pot afterward, I put 2 cups of the water fertilizer mix and none of it ran through. The soil mix held onto all the water. The temperature/humidity is now hovering around 78/41% during the day but we're having to leave the door open so there is no reflection on one side, except from my white bedspread about two feet from the box.

Will be transplanting mother plant and the most recent batch of clones later today when the light in the veg room comes back on. The plants I transplanted last night are looking very good this morning.

good to hear they perked up for you guy! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

The girls are rebounding quite nicely since the repot. They are turning back to the lush green color they were before being struck down with the nitrogen deficiency. I've cut back the nitrogen to only what's in the fertilizers I'd been using before. My hope it that they are getting plenty of nutrition from the mushroom compost. So far, so good.



Well-Known Member

Plant on the left is doing really well. The color has all come back into the leaves since the repot and nitrogen treatments.

Plant on the right is rebounding a little more slowly but I think that's because there are so many more leaves to replenish on this one.

I think they are happy once again. :-)



Well-Known Member
Growth has definitely begun again. Wahoo! Plants are looking much more healthy. I think I overdid the nutrients (namely nitrogen) a little bit on plant B (the one on the right). I will cut back and maybe flush with some water tonight before I go to bed. Here's what a couple of the leaves look like, note the curling on the edges:

If you disagree on the cause, please let me know.

You can see that plant A is working on producing a bud. :-)

And Plant B continues to rebound. Note the new leaves coming out in the center of the plant. More, not shown here, are also sprouting out of the lower part of the stem.

And here's an overall shot from today:

Not a perfect grow, but then this is my first try at this. I'm pleased so far.



Well-Known Member
Wow! What a difference a day makes. I think my plant grew a whole inch since yesterday. (My plant is Plant B, btw. Plant A is my son's plant. They are from the same mother plant and I take care of both of them, however, he got to name his and I named mine, just today. Plant A, or the plant on the left, is Sears & Robuck, rolling eyes, and mine, plant B or the plant on the right, is powhitewidow.)

Here's S&R:

This plant has grown from 6" to 7 1/2" I believe.

Here's powhitewidow:

She grew from 4 1/2" to 6 1/2" since entering the flowering "room."

Here's the pair, taken today:

And here's a side-by-side (I hope) comparison from day one till today:

There is still some mild deformity from the overdose of nitrogen but the top leaves (new growth) looks perfectly healthy now. I'm very pleased with the progress.




Well-Known Member
Did some "room" maintenance this morning. Cleaned the floor, took out the dirty washrags (used to help keep the humidity up) and I'll replace those later today (it's supposed to be 100 degrees here today). Cleaned up the drip pans, and trimmed off some of the damaged leaves from Plant B (powhitewidow).

She cleaned up good though and there is a lot of new growth on the stem:

Here's the morning view of Plant A (Sears & Roebuck).

I heard that all plants are part Sativa and part Indica. Is it possible for one clone to have mostly Sativa and another one to have mostly Indica traits? Compare Plant A and Plant B. Plant A seems to resemble Sativa, with it's long, narrow sections of leaves. Whereas Plant B leaves have broad fingers.

Here's a couple of shots comparing Plant A and Plant B:

FINALLY found a supply store close to my house! Wahoo! Went out and got one of those trays with the clear dome over the top, some rockwool for the next batch of clones and a couple of matching, white flower pots for the girls. :-) Will be transplanting for the final time tonight just before dark. That way they can rest up over night, minimizing the shock. Will be fun to give the roots a quick inspection and see the changes since being forced to do a soil swap last week.



Transplanted A & B this evening. Should be the final repot, though I may need to do another couple of soil changes, we'll see.

New white pots. I have the washrags back in there because it's 101 degrees outside and it's supposed to reach 105 today. Gah! I think I might put a washrag on me too!

