ppl using coke


Well-Known Member
Coke is good to an extent, but its not worth the withdrawls, anxiety, feeling like shit comin down, and the price of the shit. If you can get some 80% shit or better then yeah its worth it otherwise just crap. Put some coke in a cup full of bleach the shit that floats to the top is impurities all the real coke will sink to the bottom good quick way to test purity of your shit.
BS, well it may sink but then it's totally useless, and at best it's 80%-90% right after being made by the coca farmer, there's only a few ways to make it 100% either the farmer takes his time(which is dumb for him cause they may get 500 bucks a ki down there) or you do it when you get it, which isn't really that hard to do.


Well-Known Member
I've tried meth. No, it doesn't do that if you control yourself.I didn't find it addictive, I did it on occasion for a couple of years.Certainly its not good for you, but don't believe ALL of the stuff you hear.Btw, in no way could I be considered a skinny, meth head ho, and I have all of my teeth and they're awesome.
^^ so true, but not everyone can control themselves, so it's like the saying goes "1 bad apple spoils the batch".

Also there has been reports out about meth addiction and it's all mental, there is no physical addiction to it.


Well-Known Member
its all about being responsible, personally, i think if some one get addicted to somthing, there weak minded, srry to say, but thats how it is,


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid without the tradiotional healers and control systems like that, we are doomed to addiction with selfmedication.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Nah.I don't need anyone to help me say no.Period.Some folks have addictive personalities, some don't.That doesn't mean you can't ever have control of yourself.Just means you gotta pay closer attention to how something affects you.
I'm afraid without the tradiotional healers and control systems like that, we are doomed to addiction with selfmedication.


Well-Known Member
Well Danny, just think about what you said.

2.5oz of coke costs $4,200 so theres only a few explanations for what you just said:

1. Your a liar.

2. Your incredibly rich and stupid enough to spend it on coke.
u dont have to be incredibly rich at all an oz will cost about £760 so its not that hard 2 get 300 quid


Well-Known Member
Let the cocaine be.

Profitable (very)
etc etc

Jk, I've actually never really like coke, I did it around friends and family but can't stand the high makes me so much more ADHD then I already am. If I did a line I would need to drink a beer or smoke a bong hit then enjoy my highs.


Active Member
Hmm. No point in even trying to get coke in my area. Will be fucked with completely n to expensive. Only hardcore drugs I have taken are ice and speed on a week bender. As long as you dont get addicted and enjoy it, its fucking great. Was in thailand at the time at a private school, went to a rich friends house, took a bong n about 1kg of normal thai weed, n just smoked speed, ice and weed all night. After that week never felt the need to get any more. But saying that, everyone is different.

On that same night though, there were a few thai ice addicts at my friends house as well, and I can tell you something, they wernt in the best of shape ;/

Sorry if this is offtopic, but seems its more about addiction now than coke itself.


Well-Known Member
if you wanna try something extremely fun not addictive and not expensive that will never show up in a normal drug test trust me and do acid. be ready to ride the very edge of reality itself. the stuff only shows up in one test which is a spinal tap and you can deny getting one because it can kill/paralyze you

it even gives you the crazy energy coke does but without the feeling of being on edge and grinding your nerves into a pulp for hours on end.


Active Member
Everyone's different bro, I'd die off 2 grams in a day my heart races like a fucking thoroughbred, some can die off a half gram from heart attacks, I'd leave it alone all said and done it's better. The big problems are it's highly addictive and it's easy to have a heart attack as you continue to push the limmit. Money is the last problem.
Seriously set the mirror down and walk away from the coke. I have seen it RUIN many, many, many otherwise smart people who thought they could handle it. It always starts fun and is a great ride for a while and then money starts disappearing from your life and going up your nose. It can kill you, either from a bad reaction (cardiac toxicity, heart attack, hemorrhage etc) or from trying to score from the wrong people when you are in deep AND in a BAD way. It sounds like a cliche but its true!

Don't even get me started on meth, a white trash trailer park coke substitute made by people who can't figure out the directions on hamburger helper.:dunce:

There are a lot of concerned people here who are trying to help you make a better decision than playing with fire. If you want something other than weed, I agree with perfextionist420's suggestion of trying acid, it may give you some perspective on your life and where you are going.