PPM Meter?


Yes the tri meter is crucial.

When I got one at the start of my third grow I immediately knew what went wrong on my first two. The results have been fantastic.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just checked out that link and read the whole thing. I'm glad I did so I can start off on the right foot. I'm trying to do all the research now before all my stuff gets here. I've been doing a lot of reading on this forum and see where a lot of people are making mistakes by overfeeding. I don't want to be in that group.

This is what I'm working with. I got it for 89 bucks, it a homemade job but the way I see it I can make my own after i see this one up close. What do ya think?

(1) 2 Gallon Control Bucket
(4) 2 Gallon Plant Sites with 5" Net Pots
(1) 66 GPH Pump
(1) Pump Filter
(1) Hose Assembly
(1) Coco Coir(enough for all pots)
(1) 24 hr Timer
(1) Viewable Level Gauge
(1) Maintenance Port

Would a regular size bottle of peroxide be enough for this system?


Well-Known Member
Would a regular size bottle of peroxide be enough for this system?

You mean the 3% stuff you buy at the grocery store???

No man.... I mean I guess you can...

But it is not cost effective and the real bad is in the stabilizers they put in there...

H2O2 can easily break into H2O with an extra O floating around...

H2O is just water...lol.. so they have to add "junk" in there so it lasts on the shelf...

Buy some 35% (food grade) H2O2 and it will last you a LOONG time... 1.7ml/L ..

get a measuring cup or a big seringe... do it right and it will benefit your garden...



Well-Known Member
I buy 15 gallons of the 50% for about $100... and that jug will last me 6 months... and I run 2x 100 gallon res + a 50 gal res for the moms... :o

I buy it at an Industrial Chemical Supplier... see your local listings...:razz:


Well-Known Member
can anyone please send me a link to a dwc feeding chart. i have Blue Himilaya autos, if that helps any. Tap water is 75-105


Well-Known Member
you need to measure the PPM in the water...

start around 300 when they are young and work up to 1600 at the end...

I work with clones.. and use 1400 ppm from day one to harvest..:razz:


Well-Known Member
How are you able to run such high ppm for clones?
Not sure how to answer your question...

But once a clone is rooted, it is an adult plant... capable of handling the same nute load as the original plant...

Every strain has it's limits, but being a clone does not make it any different...

Seedlings can't handle nutes like that at first... but clones are adult plants...:razz:


Active Member
Hmmh, I knew it was adult plant as in its as old as the plant it came from but I thought they would be hurt as in shock from being cut off but I see ur point. Thanks.