ppm question??


Active Member
ok my tap water reads 350 ppm when i add nutes do i subtract 350 from the total ?? what i mean is if my water reads 1250ppm is it realy 900 ppm of nutes??


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you've got a set-up like that and don't know about ppm's??? odd!! that's a nice grow you have going. it doesn't matter what you start out with numbers wize. it's the end number that counts. i wouldn't use your water. 350 is big. get an r/o filter and start out with better water. that way all or most of your ppm's will be your nutes.


Active Member
HA HA shit man my brain is fried. first time indoor grow and i built my setup fairly quick. info overload overhere. thanks though


New Member
Go online and get a copy of the water report on your tap water. U.S . l EPA laws require that all water suppliers do certain water tests and meet certain requirements. Also they are required to make those tests avialable to thir customers. Most of those are of no concern to us. We need the results of what are called the "in house tests" or "other tests." What you want is the information of calcium and water hardness. You might just have a large level of soluble calcium and that can be easily removed without an RO filter. An RO filter is only needed for growers when the carbonate levels (permanent water hardness) is high. The other things that a RO filter removes are really only of concern for potable water, i.e. taste and health or for reef aquarium keepers, and have little to no effect on growing plants.


New Member
GH which is known for causing water sprayer clogging and for leaving lots of salt deposits only has a calcium ppm/TDS of 228 when mixed as the Lucas formula. Most hydroponic nutrient formulas stay down in the 150 ppm range. Your likely going to be around 500 to 700 ppm of calcium if you just subtract 350 and mix as if it is not there. i.e. you might want to ignore the last posted reply. Unless you are using a nutrient formula containing no calcium.