PPP KiloBitsSecondGrow


Well-Known Member
Awesome update as always Kilo. I just don't know how you can name all your ladies, grow them so beautifully and then just chop them up . . . .

Last time I smoke PPP was in Amsterdam 2002, brings back memories . . .:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Awesome update as always Kilo. I just don't know how you can name all your ladies, grow them so beautifully and then just chop them up . . . .

Last time I smoke PPP was in Amsterdam 2002, brings back memories . . .:mrgreen:
yeah, I think I've mentioned it a couple of times, it kinda sucks taken them down....but, I'm a realist, it's why we do it...they become a part of me...Saturday morning I took Veronica to the beach for the sunrise...hehe...

some art of the girls.....

Zahena2.0 is geting close to harvest...she is due Sept 25th....Allison is going to be a pain in the arse from what I can see, with no real yield to speak of...the original Zahena will be killa....from the runt that she was to this...my, my, my.....peace:joint:



Well-Known Member
Hey KB,

Thanks for the reply man, much appreciated! Yeap got my head around the old bubbleponic thing, or at least getting there...jeez i must have 50 bookmarks from RIU and ive only been on here a week or so!

Mate, that lady with the 3 main colas above is absolutely stunning...you really are the Hugh Hefner of bud porn! (or Larry Flint maybe...:lol:)

You pretty much kitted out with the T5s? I spent a lotta time looking at these, dunno about there in the US but here in Europe theyre REALLY pricey...but they do the job well yeah? How many watts you got going there?

Last question (!), how big is your grow space (its in a closet right?)...? And have you had heat problems when youve really upped the watts?

Cheers mate, best of luck


Well-Known Member
Hey KB,

Thanks for the reply man, much appreciated! Yeap got my head around the old bubbleponic thing, or at least getting there...jeez i must have 50 bookmarks from RIU and ive only been on here a week or so!

Mate, that lady with the 3 main colas above is absolutely stunning...you really are the Hugh Hefner of bud porn! (or Larry Flint maybe...:lol:)

You pretty much kitted out with the T5s? I spent a lotta time looking at these, dunno about there in the US but here in Europe theyre REALLY pricey...but they do the job well yeah? How many watts you got going there?

Last question (!), how big is your grow space (its in a closet right?)...? And have you had heat problems when youve really upped the watts?

Cheers mate, best of luck

let's start with grow space...the main one is just an IKEA wardrobe...here is a link to it

the lights are in fact somewhat expensive here also....the t5HO fixtures with bulbs ran approx 150US each....each fixture expends 96watts and you get approx 2500 lumens from it....so the main flowering area has 3 fixtures....kaching, 7500 lumens in this area....the other smaller area has one fixture, but I added another temp for Allison....I do not profess to claim T5HO is the nirvana of growing, it does suit my situation though.....we have harvested hmmmmm let me see, with Zahena2.0 which is happening today, seven harvests all with excellent results as far as quality is concerned...the yield is another story, yet we have had a plant give us almost 4 oz dry and cured, the remainder were in the 2 oz range....I figure the lights, aerators and fans, this setup puts out approx 500 watts total...not fecking bad....the heat thing depends on how you decide to light proof it for flowering....we've discontinued the reflective material as it was causing the temps to skyrocket in the main flowering area and the exhaust fan was on all the time....we are also considering eliminating the exhaust fan altogether....decision to follow.....

Zahena2.0 is ready....we need the room as Zahena is exploding.....

kilobit will be pumping up the economy today with a purchase of a replacement cabinet for the vegetative area....we decided this as Zahena was slamming into the lights and besides it will look better....pictures to follow....we are also debating whether to go with another WhiteRhino or just stay the course with ther PPP as it doesn't appear yields will be any good unless we top and/or fim them....too big height wise for our environment....what say you all?




Well-Known Member
Good gosh Kilo.

I think thats the biggest plant I've seen you flower.

What strain again? Sorry I'm baked. :eyesmoke:
well not really, but hey, it is a harvest....hehe...PPP is the strain....Allison the WhiteRhino strain is in flower now....baked huh?....fecking good for you kitty....

Yeah nice colas mate :hump:
thank you sir.....yo mammath, starting to think I'm making progress on the guitar...less mistakes...another scale G pentatonic, this one is hard for me right now, but I'll get it....

you have got some chunky ones on your hands now!!!!!!!!
always take the chunky ones....hehe...wish they were bigger, but I keep forgetting my environment....

alright babies....here are some pictures of the Zahena2.0 harvest along with Zahena, Allison, Carrie and two new clones which we have not named as of yet.....we put Zahena into 12/12 last night so the one clone is of her....the other two Carrie and unnamed are from Allison the Rhino....

as you can see we have replaced the vegetative cabinet, but DOH, I measured the width outside the cabinet when purchasing, feck, it's an inch short inside.....feck....shite....but it will work....

EDIT: messed up picture order...the last picture is of Allison flowering....



Well-Known Member
update....all T5HO bulbs have been replaced.....that's 16 of them.....feck, good thing I found this site otherwise, it would have cost over 200US for the shite....here as you'll see, they are pretty cheap...don't know the cheaper ones look just like the more expensive...only difference I see is the name stamped on the bulb...hmmmm?.....




Well-Known Member
Were they losing their HO qualities? Did you measure lumens or just replaced them? FECKIN SHITE BRO!!! Bad A$$ Kilo :hump:


Active Member
can you really just put a glass over a clone like that and keep moisture and light to it and grow it? no need to build a cloning bay?


Well-Known Member
Were they losing their HO qualities? Did you measure lumens or just replaced them? FECKIN SHITE BRO!!! Bad A$$ Kilo :hump:
hey boneman what's shakin bro?....haven't seen anything new from ya yet....when you start up again?.... figured it's been a year since we put them up and seeing as I found that 1000bulbs site it only cost me about 65US with shipping....sooooo did it and now we have at least another year....:eyesmoke:...also may not have the cash next year, or you know, shite comes up.....

can you really just put a glass over a clone like that and keep moisture and light to it and grow it? no need to build a cloning bay?
the netpot is sitting in the container so the bottom is exposed....
here's a different perspective

P9160004 copy.gif

this gives it the oxygen it needs and the glass keeps the moisture and humidity in, cause this strain likes that, well they all do....:grin:....then when the roots hit the solution, BAM, off she goes....we've done it the last three clones and it seems to do the job well....we mist with a mild veg solution....

fecking Zahena's one stem is getting fat and causing it to droop some, we'll fix it later on....we also cut roots on Allison as she truly was stuffing up the container....otherwise all seems to be going well...oh feck, almost forgot....as told previously we 12/12 Zahena2.0 Saturday past...ok so we are now using the bloom phase of the nutes...we have given her TWO feedings since Saturday and lookie here...no fecking burn....well not yet anyhow....woohoo, kilobit's happy......:joint:




Well-Known Member
thats freakin awsome kilo Great fucking idea, preciate the quick response

no problem.....

lookin good i love your perpetual gorw, wish i could do it

why not? time? space? money? all of the above?...hehe:joint:...it sure isn't a lack of being able to grow, I've seen your stuff.....

well here are a few pictures......the cure is coming along well don't you think?.....it's starting to dissipate that dry grass smell and the aroma is pungent....:joint:...:eyesmoke:....hehe......anyhow, the buds are still a wee bit damp but burping them three times daily and inspecting for mold....if you magnify the picture of Zahena you should be able to see she has come out as the female she should....we went 12/12 with her this past Saturday......and a picture of Allison....she stinks some and I am starting to believe she maybe not a true White Rhino, as most seed banks describe it as short and bushy....feck, that she is not....:joint:played

last pic is my cat Stinky....found her by a dumpster.....she is soooooo fecking jealous of the plants....I'll have to carry her around later so she won't be pissed at me...hehe

till next time...peace



Well-Known Member
i didn't think about a perpetual grow till this go around, time is the easy part, got cash flo, could find some space I have the other half of my closet, but i had to quit smokeing and that will be the last grow for a long time but life goes on and i can't wait to start again, next time it will be perpetual!


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear...I mean, if that's what you need to do so be it...but I like the whole fecking smoking ritual...you know grind, roll, pack, whatever...I don't know, got a vape and only use it rarely....:joint:..but if I had to quit smoking I would....let me know when you start...

kilobit's been fecking around so here are some pictures to keep you amused...

Zahena is into week 2 of 12/12.....she smells great and looks like lots of buds are coming our way...woohoo...just think, almost flushed, now look at her....in addition, week 2 of bloom nutes and no fecking burn to speak of yet....again woohoo....

Allison is blooming along....she is starting to get busty and the snow is a coming strong now....now that she's older, maybe her yield will be on par with the PPP girls....only time will tell....her buds are going to be dense....




Well-Known Member
can you really just put a glass over a clone like that and keep moisture and light to it and grow it? no need to build a cloning bay?
I do my clones in an upside down clear gladware container with rockwool.. in a pc case. Point is, you can do clones in a bunch of ways.. just need to find the method that works for you. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey KB, coming along nicely as always dude.
Jars look good and full with some lovely gear ;)
... and more on the way.
I love the way you do your perpetual supply of personal.
Nice work mate.

As for cloning, you got it down bro, your clones always look good.
Like ER says, when you find something that's work'n for ya, stick to it!

Did that cat stink when you got it? Looks like it would have :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey KB, coming along nicely as always dude.
Jars look good and full with some lovely gear ;)
... and more on the way.
I love the way you do your perpetual supply of personal.
Nice work mate.

As for cloning, you got it down bro, your clones always look good.
Like ER says, when you find something that's work'n for ya, stick to it!

Did that cat stink when you got it? Looks like it would have :lol:
hehe...hence the name Stinky...hehe:joint:...not for nothing, she's done just as much for me as I've done for her....only one that's always happy to see me....:o

well here is a gallery of the cast of lovely ladies here at kilobits journal....everyone of these girls has been good to me and my friends...here's to them and hopefully a continuance of this until I fecking die....hehe....believe me I want to live long enough to be a pain in the government's ass.....:joint:

so at the gym this morning and one of my friends comes in and I ask how that piece of Xtasy was.....hehe...."it crippled me!"......ahaha...:joint:

except for MaryJane who was featured in my first journal...the remainder of these girls are from this journal.....there is no way to rename this one and frankly don't feel like starting over so will continue here as long as I can...anyhow, here they are in no particular order...peace:joint:played

Allison and Zahena are flowering as I type...

