Pre-built Grow Box... How do you think this one looks?


I have completed several outdoor grows and am now looking to get indoor. However, I have been strapped for money so I am not currently able to purchase a $600-$1000+ setup. I found this grow box on ebay that to me looks alright to grow a few lowryders in until I can save up the money to purchase a larger setup. What do you guys think of this grow box? What about the lights?


Active Member
its a kitchen wall unit wiuth mylar, a tupperware container and a couple of fans. I'm sure you can build that for less than 1/4 the price.


I suppose you're right. Can you point me in the direction of some good DIY plans for this type of grow box?


that box is booty son you need somthin thats gona produce. staple that white/black poly plastic or screw to the ceiling in a room and make ur own little area if ur low on cash n hang lights from ceilin with mollys they sell em cheap in home depot