Pre-Flower vs Flowering (possible autoflower seeds)


So I am new to growing and had a pretty simple question. Does this look like pre-flowering or an autoflowering strain? I currently have about 17 or 18 plants growing, have been for about 2 months almost. Started noticing white hairs on 4 or 5 of the plants during the last few weeks. some as soon as yesterday and some plants had them 2 weeks ago or so. I was starting these early so I could take them outside but obviously if they are already flowering that may be an issue. I have a few more babies that have the same thing going on and figured I would ask if you guys thought they are autoflowering or just pre-flowering. I am a newb but pure common sense tells me these have wayyyy to many hairs to be pre-flowering.


thanks guys!


not pre-flowers did you trigger this? what are your light schedule//how long germinated?
Germinated for between 24 and 36 hours. Light schedule is 20 on 4 off. Power went out a few weeks back and had to leave them outside of their normal room under windows getting really shitty light for like a day and a half.


I dunno if I should take them outside, take my other babies outside and finish these ones that are flowering inside. I'm not really sure what to do here haha

I would like to harvest something off the few that are doing this not like a friggin eighth from each one that would suck lol

Oh and I'm still feeding all of them as if they were in veg.


Guitar guy

Active Member
What the fuck is up with that box? I'm sober and it still confused the shit out of me.

They look to be in full flower right now so its possible that you had an autoflower seed


What the fuck is up with that box? I'm sober and it still confused the shit out of me.

They look to be in full flower right now so its possible that you had an autoflower seed
Hahaha I have no clue I wrote it from my phone!!

What u guys think I should do... Take the flowering ones outside or just keep tthem going with my other plants and take the non flowering ones outside and finish the flowering ones inside??? Haha so lost right now. This is what u get for bag seeding!