pre floweringg helpp!


It seems as if my plant as been in the prefloweing stage for about a shows small buds with white hairs. Does anybody know when the acutally budding will begin?


Active Member
"budding" - flowering has already started my friend lol- pre flowers are just that - usually start bout the 4th week of veg....just reveeling the sex of the plant....your already into flowering, lots and lots of calyx building up to make a bud...


Thanks for your help amrcngor, but i live on the east coast, and im afraid that my plant might not finish in time. do you think it will die when early October comes???? any helpp please will be appreciated.. thanks!!


Well-Known Member
"budding" - flowering has already started my friend lol- pre flowers are just that - usually start bout the 4th week of veg....just reveeling the sex of the plant....your already into flowering, lots and lots of calyx building up to make a bud...
preflowers is not the start of flowering, u will see preflowers at each node and then once u see a cluster of pistils at the top of ur plant it has begun to flower

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
outside its really gonna depend on when exactly first frost in your area happens this year. Yeah if there are buds then flowering is well under way, 2 weeks or so.


Okay i was researching and the frost in my area will come at late october. I believe it has begun flowering, do you think i will be able to fully harvest in time? thankss


Well-Known Member
dnt harvest bc of a frost, no sense in working at sumthing for 3,4 or 5 months just to get premature buds google"how to protect plants from a frost" i hear too that pot plants are even able to live through a frost in some cases but it doesnt hurt to take preventive measures