Pre flowers in Veg looking strange curling up? HELP QUICK

def heat and humidity. Cool to 72ish/ 6 degrees humidity. keep moderately watered, don't flower for 2 weeks, hopefully look much more vibrant. If you want to give them some actual medicine, get some kelp extract and fulvic acid. Mix a 33% foliar spray and drench ONCE. Then add full strength to next feeding.

Will the pre-flowers bounce back or are they worthless? Can they straighten them selves out if the problem gets affected or are they gonna turn out to be crappy buds? Should I remove the messed up pre flowers basically??
When's the earliest you think they could recover if they are re-vegging?? Does 1 day of say 15 hours cause revegging?? This also like u said could have been to much light too soon.
If it was a re vegging/light issue, it's just a hint of it, so if growth is close to normal it'd be growing out of it with the next set of leaves or so. But you def have heat/humidity issues. See how the very edges of leaf is curled up,cripsy edges, overall wilting. First get them to 72 degrees, 60% humidity if possible.. Some of that really looks like re veg, too, just make sure light is strictly never below 18. I run 19.5 hour veg just to be extra sure there is no confusion on the plant's part. Some sativas can start flowering in is little as 17 hours light. I think it;s good to go 19 or so just to be very clear in veg. But don't veg until they are sweet again.
Will the pre-flowers bounce back or are they worthless? Can they straighten them selves out if the problem gets affected or are they gonna turn out to be crappy buds? Should I remove the messed up pre flowers basically??
Don't worry about the pre flowers, if you get to day of harvest, those pre flowers will be a distant memory. They don't become new flowers, the plant just packs on hundreds new flowers on top. A"bud" is hundreds of flowers.